It's Easy To Order online from us with
Visa, MC or American Express!
First, decide what you want (please see
our home page
for products and prices.)
Next, click here to submit the following
- your name
- complete shipping address
- daytime phone number
- mc, visa or american express number and
expiration date
- items you wish to order
- if you prefer, your card information
may be phoned in to our secure voice line
- just call 1-800-636-0200 and clearly
state your name, card number and expiration date. That's it!
Firm orders are acknowledged within
24 hours of receipt.
We will e-mail the following information
to you:
- itemized invoice with firm prices for livestock and shipping
- firm ship and delivery dates
- Fedex tracking number (e-mailed on the day of
Tips For Speedy Processing
- Be sure to include all the information requested.
(An incomplete order is not considered a firm order.)
- We need only your shipping address, Please do not
include your billing address.
- Place the word "order" in the subject
box of your submission
No credit card? No problem! Just
ask us for a price quote, then send a money order for that amount to IPSF, P.O. Box
1206, Kailua-Kona, HI, 96745. Upon receipt we'll immediately schedule
your shipment and notify you by e-mail.
Shipping Information, Pricing and Policies
- All livestock orders are shipped via Fedex with signature
required upon delivery.
- A typical small styro box weighing up to 6 lbs, with
up to 8 bags, ships for $22.50. Box charge is $7.95.
- A typical large box (2 styros inside) weighing 15 lbs,
with up to 16 bags, ships for $32.50. Box charge is $10.00.
- Heat packs are billed at $2.00 each (a typical
small box order requires 1 to 3 heat packs depending on season and destination).
- We always pack to ensure live arrival in the most economical
- We will gladly provide a firm shipping quote, via e-mail,
on any order.
- For delivery to a Fedex World Service Center near you,
you must provide the full address of the Fedex center when submitting
your order. This may be obtained by calling 1 800 GO FEDEX.
- For ALL Saturday Deliveries add $25 to our listed shipping
Acclimation Procedure
Live Arrival Guarantee