is no finer advertising than the sincere comments of satisfied customers...
many thanks to all of you for taking the time to write!" Gerald Heslinga, President, Indo-Pacific Sea Farms
"I've heard nothing but good things about
you guys." David Ekers, Milwaukee, WI, 2/17/07
Gerald! I just wanted to take a few minutes to write and thank you for all
your help with my new tank. All the critters you sent
me arrived in great shape and were very healthy. I'm happy to report
that they have all adapted well to the tank, and appear to be thriving.
Casualties so far: zero! :o)
You've made a real difference in my initial experience
with this great hobby. I'm really grateful and appreciative, and
I really want to thank you for making me a special order... You can bet
that you'll be hearing from me again really soon, as I get ready to start
stocking some other tanks I have cycling right now. Thanks again, and Best
wishes! Aloha!" Cisco Jimenez, Chico, CA, 1/17/07
just put in a brand new refugium... I have ordered
before. Your products rock. Thanks so much!!" Anthony Lombardo,
Baldwin, NY, 1/23/07
"This Is My second order, your service was great last time... Thanks."
Steve Marlborough, Morgan Hills, CA, 1/21/07
months ago I placed an order with your company. I
was very pleased with the organisms I received, and very impressed by the
care with which the order was packed and shipped. I am now setting
up a new aquarium, and would like to place another order." Barry Egenes,
Bellevue, WA, 1/6/07.
"I placed a mix n match order last
week and it arrived towards the end of the week. I was extremely impressed
with the contents of the order. Even though it went from Hawaii to the East
Coast everything arrived alive... I think this is
one of the best deals in the saltwater industry and I thank you. Will order
again soon." Johnny Griner, Norcross, GA, 12/18/0
"I love my last order of the the Reef Tank Tune-up.
They are definitely doing their job." Sei Hwoa Foster, Suffolk,
VA, 12/17/06.
"Aloha Gerald. Just
wanted to let you know everything is doing well. I think the leather
coral and anthelia polyps have doubled in size already. As an added bonus
the shell you sent the anthelia polyps on has a red mushroom on it! Do those
amphipods multiply? I swear there are more in my tank now than when I put
them in." Mark Remeta, Branchburd, NJ, 12/8/06
so much for the great products you provide! I was so impressed with my
original order that I just had to have more. The worms, snails,
hermit crabs, copepods and live sand are all doing very well and have added
much interesting diversity to my relatively new reef tank. I recommend
your products to everyone I know in the hobby and will continue to do so.
Thanks again." John Harriss, Wilmington, NC, 11/26/06
"Hello IPSF, you guys rock! Here is my order to get
my refugium and sand in my nano reef started. I have a 10 gal main
tank with a 5 gal 'fuge. In addition please send me an order of MiniStars!
Woo hoo I'm excited :)" Brent Van Dussen,
San Diego, CA, 11/15/06
"Have ordered
before -- the creatures are awesome. Thanks for all that you offer the reef
keepers!!" Rick Cornell, Arlington Heights, IL, 11/9/06
Gerald, Hope all is well with you! We are back in the salt tank business.
We would like to order the Live Sand Activator Plus.
Last time we received it from you it was awesome! Of course you don't
remember me, but you and I talked a lot about Hawaii (I used to live there),
and malasada's in particular. haha." Randy & Mary Neihoff, Franklin,
TN, 11/8/06
"Thank you for your quick response. Every message board we go on says good things about you."
Jamie Teague, Hollywood, FL, 11/7/06
"... I look forward
to trying out your products. Several friends in the
hobby have told me that you are the best, and will be able to help
me through this! Thanks again!" Mike Burgess, Orlando, FL, 11/6/06
Hi, I purchased a Reef Tank Tuneup a few of months ago and now my
12 Strombus Grazers have multiplied to several hundred." Peter
Meechan, Brooklyn, NY, 11/2/06
have always loved your products and am looking forward to your shipment.
Thanks." Vince Cardinal, Charlotte, NC, 10/29/06
"Very happy with initial shipment, am interested
in purchasing again." Marla Helveston, St. Louis, MO, 10/30/06
Just a note to say that "as usual" everything was as expected.
I appreciate the quality that you deliver. And in
an ever-changing market place it's nice to find consistency. Be Blessed!
Aloha!" Tim Bardin, Lexington KY, 10/21/06
"Aloha... I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful product and
excellent service you provide. I just received my 7th
order yesterday, and, as always, all the specimens arrived in prime
condition and have adapted well to my aquarium.
I only wish I had had access to your facility and
services 30 years ago when I first started out with marine aquaria.
I recommend you to anyone who would rather bolster their tank's biodiversity
and longevity with numerous critters and plants, than spend the same amount
of money on one or two questionable specimens from their local "fish
I would also add to serious marine aquarium enthusiasts that, ordering
from your farm, that they will most certainly "get more than they paid
for". It's always a thrill to discover just what
kind of wonderful organisms (macro as well as micro) that might arrive with
each shipment...
I sincerely thank you for your expertise, your
fair business practices, and your generosity. Please keep up the good work!"
Rod Ries, Sacramento CA, 10/14/06
"Hi Gerald, I just
wanted to say thank you. My shipment arrived yesterday
and everything looked great. I appreciate all
the extra livestock I found! I've ordered from other mail order aquaria
shops, and I've never received more than I specifically asked for. Your corals look magnificent! Both are now fully
extended and are looking great. Coral from other mail order shops are hit
or miss, (I've had some diseased, and others with parasites infesting the
specimen.) Thank you! I will definitely use your service
again and highly recommend your livestock for anyone looking to do a serious
reef tank." Mike Darschewski, Denver CO, 10/12/06
"By the way, my husband ordered from you recently
and is very happy with his creatures! Mahalo nui loa!" Selina
Burt, Kirkesville MO, 10/10/06
"This is my third
order from you (new tank). Nice stuff!" Bill Raney, Kansas City,
MO, 10/4/06
"Gerald: The macroalgae you sent all the
way to Maryland arrived alive -- gorgeous stuff.
Thank you." Stan Goldman, Timonium, MD, 10/2/06
package arrived just after 10:00 AM this morning... Everything inside looked
good and all critters seemed alive and well. I followed the acclimation
procedure on your web site. I am looking forward to
an amazing tank with your products helping make it so. Thank you so much."
Agnes Gray, Brazoria TX, 9/29/06
"Thanks! This
is the 2nd year I've ordered this package for my tank, the
last one rocked." Jamey Prange, Grapevine TX, 9/29/06
you and your children. One of my favorite things in
the world is setting up a new tank. Thanks for being the first to
put something in it." Wayne Kramer, Chicago IL, 9/20/06
was very pleased with my first experience from your company and look
forward to receiving another great order" Anthony (aka the Voice
of WCLV) Greer, Dallas, TX, 9/20/06
really excited about ordering from you, :-)." Agnes Gray, Brazoria
TX, 9/25/06
"YAY IPSF! I haven't ordered from you guys
in a while but I just started up a new 125 display +100 sump +75 fuge. I
need critters!!! I purchased a bunch of stuff from you when I setup my previous
system and had incredible results. I'm really looking
forward to getting these goodies in my new system." Bush Williams,
Springfield MO, 9/20/06
"I have been looking at various
sites for 'Pods and the MiniStars. Most places sell one or the other-- you
are the only one that sells both... Have purchased
from you before and been happy with products." Maureen Baker
Wilkinson, Clark NJ, 9/18/06
"Thank you for the little
red mushroom that was on the rock with the anthelia polyps! The
polyps are starting to spread and the mushroom has doubled in size : ) >>"
William Hutt, Millville CA, 9/12/06
"Hello Gerald, Wow... what can I say... Thank you! I
truly appreciate that. I applaud your business on
many accounts, from what I've read, to your captive-bred packages,
and my now personal interactions. You've just made
a lifelong customer!" Scott Burt, Kirksville, MO, 9/2/06
Folks. Last order was great! Looking forward
to this one!" John Rothhaupt, Rockville Centre, NY, 8/23/06
again, it's so easy (almost easy anyway) to hand over
money to you." Oliver R. Oakley, Ph.D, Lexington, KY, 8/20/06
Gerald, I would like to order 2 Reef Tank Tuneup Kits, 2 Live Sand Activator
Plus Kits, and 2 Reef Worm Diversity kits... Always
a pleasure ordering from you, I appreciate both your products and
your service!" David T. Parker, Amelia, OH, 8/17/06
Gerald, I received the package today and everything looks great and is in
the tank. The strombus and the hermits ran off into the rock pretty quickly
and the trocus got to work on the glass!! I think that the one of the trocus
laid eggs already on the front of the glass!! The
worms also disappeared either into the sand or into the rock... You have so much good stuff to choose from. Thanks for
all your help. I couldn't help look through your list of publications, not
very often I buy stuff from such an educated guy!!" Oliver R.
Oakley, PhD, Lexington, KY, 8/9/06
"Gerald, the package
arrived yesterday, just as you said it would. And thanks for the bonus corals
and 'Pods! The brittle stars, the spaghetti worms,
and the bristleworms were all in fantastic shape and immediately took to
the tank. And even more importantly, my wife and son are completely enthralled
by the new marine life. It was an absolute
pleasure to do business with you, Gerald, and
I look forward to working with you in the future as I establish my first
nano tank! Thanks again." Jason M. H. Storey, 8/10/06
have ordered from you before and was very happy with everything, I
love your web site and tell everyone I know about it. Keep up the
good work." Anthony James Powell, Ortonville, MI, 7/31/06
Gerald, I would like to thank you again; it's been
a pleasure to do business with you. I received my order yesterday,
the clams were open in the shipping bags. I acclimated them and by this
morning they have burrowed into the sand and they are (pardon the cliché)
happy as clams." Scott Clement, San Marcos, CA, 7/26/06
"My Rabbitfish loved the Tang Heaven Red so much I
feel obligated to get him some more." Mike Terlizzi, Chandler,
AZ, 7/21/06
"Just got the shipment. Everything
looks great! Even had a few extra critters -
thanks! You do good work..." Joe Lokaitis, Springfield, IL,
"Got them. Everything looked
great! Thanks again." Robert Bash, M.D., Dallas, TX, 7/19/06
Sorry to get back to you so late -- the shipment arrived fine, acclimation
went well, and all the animals are feasting -- the new cleaning crew, as
well as my tang and corals. Thanks for your business!"
Trent Tuggle, Orlando, FL, 6/21/06
Gerald, thanks so much for providing the great critters you do." Henry
Michael Balota III, Arnold, MO, 6/7/06
"Gerald, we have
a new 120 RR setup with 60 lbs base and 80 lbs live Fiji Rock. When the
tank went into a diatom bloom, we ordered your Reef Tank Tuneup, Live Sand
Activator Plus, ReefWorms Diversity Pack & SandBed clams. Within 3 days
the diatom algae is almost completely gone and all critical levels are at
0 with pH and calcium within reef limits. Your animals
are little workhorses and this is the place to be for reef maintenance!
Thank you so much for your quick and professional business tactics!"
Lin Valiant, Columbus, MS, 5/29/06
"Aloha Gerald,
I bought from you about 3 years ago it is good to see that you are still
here. I am just starting a new tank again and you have the best stuff to
help everything along. I look forward to getting everything.
Mahalo," Jim Fry, 5/22/06
"Good afternoon! Got my
package this morning and eveything seems just great. The Trocus are very
happy and munching away. The Strombus are foraging around on the tank bed.
The Ministars disappeared within seconds of putting them in, small little
guys that blend in well. The Nerites are happy... Thank
you very much for your promptness and understanding. I look forward
to placing another order in the future." Mark Wold, Elburn, IL, 5/19/06
to be ordering from IPSF again! Due to a move I have had to downgrade from
my 180G to a 8G Nano, but it is ok. This order, however, is for a new 25
gallon (15 gallons of water) zoanthid and ricordia propagation tank I am
setting up! It will be barebotton, but have a 6x4" cylinder of "Activated"
livesand, with your Wondermud as the base. That along with about 15lbs of
small LR rubble and a large skimmer will complete the filtration. As always I look forward to another great order from IPSF!!"
Jeremy Sosa, Eureka, CA, 5/14/05
"Thank you, I
did receive shipment today. I did acclimate everything and everything was
good! Thank you so much for the livestock and I look
forward to ordering again." Ron Sinclair, Garden City, KS, 5/11/06
package arrive today in good condition. I am heading home to place them
into the reef tank! Thanks for your fine service.
Regards," Rick Cornell, Arlington Heights, IL, 5/4/06
Gerald, The package arrived today in very good condition. I followed the
acclimation procedures and everything went perfectly. All critters are alive
and kicking... I am amazed looking at all those critters
moving in the bags so healthy... Those worms, Mamma Mia, you really
found the real name and the MicroHermits are so active, they are unstoppable!
The MiniStars are beautiful...
"I just finished accommodating the new inhabitants (he he, in fact,
they boarded themselves) and spent the next two hours
hypnotized looking at the aquarium. This addition should have been my first
step after mounting the aquarium. Let me say you are doing a magnificent
work. Thank you very much." Rossana Capi, Bayside, NY, 4/28/06
"Both the corals I got from you have really opened
up and look TERRIFIC!! The critters in the refugium seem to be doing well.
Thank you so much for your quality products!" Praveen Thiagarajan,
Wilmington, DE,4/27/06
"Hi Gerald, this is Carmen in
Los Angeles. I hope all is well with you and your family. Still
have my DSB after all these years and it is working beautifully. Just
time again to recharge a few things." Carmen Towles, Los Angeles, CA,
"I have heard a lot of
good things about you guys. I am looking forward to personally enjoying
your service. Thanks," Praveen Thiagarajan, Wilmington, DE, 4/19/06
had a lot of fun looking through your website deciding what I wanted to
get in the 9 for $99 mix n match. It took me awhile to decide, but I finally
made it. Thank you very much." Joe Davis, Livermore, CA, 4/19/06
"Everything arrived in good shape -- the corals are beautiful. Thank
you!" Mitzy Kennaugh, El Prado, NM, 4/10/06
my order and am acclimating it now. WOW is all
I can say at this point. Lots of activity in those bags! Thank
you!" Melissa Guillory, Laplace, LA, 3/30/06
I've been reviewing your site and customer comments. It really looks like
you have a great service and many satisfied customers.
I want to kick start everything with lots of new biodiversity. You guys
look like the solution! It's so hard to decide....
you have so many COOL packages!" Scott Laman, Weare, NH,
"I would like to order the Triple SuperSized
Mix 'n' Match Special. I am currently in week 2 of cycle on a 240 tank that
was restarted after hurricane Katrina. I believe
this will give me a great start on my refugium and tank." Melissa
Guillory, Laplace, LA, 3/27/06
this is my second order from you. Great stuff, thanks."
Ron Cook, Beaver, UT, 3/26/06
I should like to order: Again. Serves you right for providing a quality
product and service!" Andrew Pearson, Hillsdale, NJ, 3/24/06
"Hello, I enjoyed my first order with you so much
I decided to come back and try out your Triple SuperSized Mix
'n Match special." Mike Terlizzi, Chandler, AZ, 3/20/06
package and contents arrived. Acclimation is complete, and I'm
as happy as can be. Thank you so very much for your attention
to providing unbelievable customer service, and
I do appreciate the freebie. What a nice touch!!! Your
products and customer service are absolutely the BEST! Thanks
again." Wanda Tamplin, Newman, GA, 3/19/06
"Hi Gerald,
Back again. I always get so impatient and excited
when I finally get the chance to order some more of your goodies (I can
imagine how my fish would be if they knew). I am starting up
a new refugium so IPSF is the place to go." Rebecca Moslowski, Bordentown,
NJ, 3/9/06
"Hi, First off I would like to say thank you
very much [for the Tang Heaven]. My
powder blue tang, which I thought was in perfect health, has
become much more vibrant in its coloring, and my yellows love it.
This is by far one of the best investments I have
made for the well being of my fish... this
stuff is great, and thank you." Jed Griffen, Cedar Falls,
IA, 3/8/06
"Hello again Gerald: Setting up another tank
in another school and would like to place a triple-super duper sized order... The 2 green tree corals I got from you last year are about
18" tall now -- they have thrived. Thanks for them. They
have been pruned into several other tanks." Nita Irby, DVM, Ithaca,
NY 3/5/06
"I first would like to say thanks
for all that you have done in your field of research." Jason
D. Schuenemann, Kansas City, MO, 2/8/06
"Hi Gerald, I
need 4 Reef Tank Tuneups as soon as you can get them to me... Thanks...
Carr, West Jordan, UT, 2/8/06
"The order arrived today
with everything intact and in good shape. I
appreciate the few little extras added in. I'm
very pleased with the order." Andrew Ayers, Salt Lake City,
Ut, 1/20/06
"I've read many
glowing reviews of your products and service." Marcus Kolb,
Phoenixville, AZ, 1/19/06
have ordered from you twice before with great success."
Peter Redel, Racine, WI, 1/17/06
Gerald, The order arrived healthy - the tang and foxface quickly
ate up a snack of Ogo - the rest went in to the refugium to propagate. Mahalo
for the extra reef plankton!" Scott Paddon, Sacramento, CA, 1/13/06
"Greetings, I enjoyed your products on my last order.
I just had to stay with the items you offer. As I am setting
up another tank and need to re-seed a dsb I need to order the following
products from you." Chris Elliot, Lebanon, MO,1/9/06
"Hello, This is my second order I am really happy
with your products." Walter DeCormier, San Jacinto, CA,
"Aloha IndoPac, I am
excited !!!!!!! Never have I seen so much bio-diversity for the money!
This is an incredible service to
the saltwater community. I have a microscope. Forget what you can see with
the naked eye. Your water. Your water is full of life. My
new tank will be flourishing in months! WOW!
"Your instructions were very clear. I found everything and a few
extras. I would love to order from you again, but I don't have a need. You have given me everything I will need to keep my tank
in tip-top health minus human error. Unless, you had some crazy
special that would cause me to put some in my other tanks, but, they are
o.k so why bother. Anyway, thanks for a great deal."
Cecil Walker, Bedford Heights, OH, 1/6/06
wanted to say that everything arrived in perfect
condition and looks great! Thanks for the wonderful product!"
Mike Terlizzi, Chandler, AZ, 12/5/05
"Hi Gerald, I ordered
a Triple Super Size that you put together for me and I just wanted to say
thanks. The whole package arrived in excellent condition and was a day early.
Just wanted to let you know that you have earned
my business. Thanks again for your help." Jack Davis, Ventura,
CA, 11/23/05
"Hi received my
order of Tang Heaven Variety and it's great. It has helped my Sailfin Tang
recover from HLLE ALREADY! (In just a few days -- It was turning
white towards back of body and now it is going back to black and white stripes)."
Tom Vail, 11/12/05.
"I wanted
to tell you how helpful and "fun" your website has been for me.
I have not ordered before from IPSF, but can't wait to get my new stuff.
Thanks again." Jim Dawson, Apollo Beach, FL, 11/12/05, Findlay, OH
"Hello Gerald; Just had to drop a quick note
and say THANKS for all the cool stuff....switched
the tank over to DSB on Friday. Seems like when I go to move the coral plugs,
something is attached ether a red worm, a pod...something. I had no idea
that the... Mini Stars were such a prized
item. The Anthelia is doing fantastic, fronds are
out , body is full...a very pleasant surprise you put in the box... Thanks
again." Randy Rose, Santa Barbara, CA, 10/30/05
"This is amazing. I had heard that you
guys were completely focused on customer satisfaction
but you really went out of your way for me. I
will immediately post a very positive note on my local Reef club board about
how pleased I am at the results. Thanks again." Lane Douglas Denver,
CO, 10/28/05 http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=698075
arrived in great shape- I've never seen so much
life in just a few plastic bags!!!! My tank is crawling with all sorts of
things- great, just great!!! Thanks again!!!!!!!" Bill Zaiser,
Yorktown Heights, NY, 10/28/05
really glad your company is out there and propagating these animals and
plants. I will always do my best to support your efforts. If
you look back at your records you will see I have been a happy customer
for many, many years.Thanks." Lisa O'Donnell, Austin, TX, 10/24/05
"Hi Gerald! I just wanted to give you some positive
feedback on the 9-for-$99 items I ordered. Can you believe it!?
5 out of the 8 different animals I ordered have reproduced in my tank, AND
"We'll start with the Mama Mia worms;
there are definitely babies as I can
see them in my sand, plus they are on the sides of the live rock. Way more
than I started with. Next, the Mini-Stars
(that are sooo cool to watch at feeding time). There are definitely babies,
considering there are at least15-20 in my tank now, and some of them are
so tiny, it's cool!
"OK, on to the amphipods: I
think I'm actually on my second generation. Yes,
the originals now have grandkids. My sandbed is crawling with
them; that 'pod mat works great! Just as your website reads, the Strombus snails are reproducing wonderfully.
Within a week I had egg-sacs on my glass, and just yesterday I noticed little
holes in them. Well, needless to say, today I noticed about 5 tiny white
specs crawling on the glass, which upon closer examination, are baby Strombus
snails! There might be more of them!
"Now for the cool part, and you may not have expected this, but
either the Trochus or the Turbos have bred.
I don't know which; I have at least one baby, about 1 mm diameter. It's
shell appears to have the swirled cone like a turbo. On the other hand,
I did notice two of the Trochus secreting/spraying sperm and/or eggs during
the first month I had them. In any case, it's really cool. I guess I'll
figure it out as it grows up! I've attached a picture of the baby Turbo/Trochus.
"Thanks for all of the good information
in your emails and the superb animals!" Tim Shellans, Sacramento,
CA 10/12/05
"I received the package today, thanks so
much! The clams are so cool, after I
put them in I came back after a few minutes and all the clams except for
one vanished under the surface! I watched the last one pull itself in...
I'm going to get more when I need more snails: ) Thanks again!!! Tak Tszeto,
Brighton MA, 10/6/05
for being more than fair, businesses run like yours are so far and few between.
You've got my business and referrals for a long time coming:)
Now if my wife didn't get squirmish over worms and brittle stars, I'd order
more from you ;) Thanks again!" Tak Tszeto, Brighton MA, 10/3/05
"Aloha. I need another dose of delicious Hawaiian
mud...." Stephen Kalil, 10/1/05, Bedford, NH
Heslinga: Thank You!! Everything arrived safe and sound. Bunnies
are at it already! Corals are expanding! Clams are digging! Mini stars took
off running! Thanks again." Matthew Morris, Aspen, CO, 9/23/05
I received the package today and am very pleased with the results! I LOVE all of the creatures and they all arrived healthy
and happy to finally find a new home! Thanks again for the great
customer service and attention to detail! I will definately order from you
in the future!" Mike Shannon, Alexandria, VA, 9/22/05
"As always, your time and efforts are very appreciated,
as well as your time and patience in answering my questions... Thanks again."
Tom Wilson, Oakley, CA, 9/7/05
is my second order . . . first order was
a great bunch of critters. Thanks!" JB White, Austin, TX, 9/6/05
I received my shipment this afternoon - it arrived on time, in good condition
and I couldn't be happier with the contents! I
have the most colorful refugium in town, and my purple tang loved
the samples I gave him. Aloha." Bryan Ballott, West Palm Beach, FL,
"Gerald, have had great
success with the 'pods from the last order - my Mandarin is visibly plumper."
John Werth, Redmond, WA, 8/24/05
"Received my order today,
everything arrived alive and healthy, Thank's so
much for the extra MiniStars, Pods and Snails." Chuck Russell,
North Babylon, NY, 8/24/05
quality of your critters and packing has forced me to order more!"
Andy Pearson, Hillsdale, NJ, 8/23/05
"Howdy Gerald, All critters arrived in good
shape. Very cool stuff! And thanks for the coral clipping. I'll
let my tank mature for a couple of months and then I'll contact you for
round two." J.B. White, Austin, TX, 8/18/05
"I received
the package today, and just wanted to let you know
how happy I am with it! You did an excellent job packing the items, and
everything seems to be alive and happy! It was great to work
with you, and I hope to order again in the future! Thanks again." Mike
and Sarah Caven, Cottage Grove, OR, 8/12/05
"Thanks once
again, I just got the shipment and everything looks good once again. Our
last shipment is doing excellent in the tank. I think some of the snails
reproduced since there are eggs on the tank glass. Tank
is exciting to watch. Both the leathers have gotten huge as well as the
Anthelia Polyps. The sample of the Short Feather Caulerpa is already spreading...
I'm sure this next shipment will due as well and will make the
tank that much more interesting to watch. Cant wait to get it home and place
everything in the tank. Thanks for everything.
All the specimens were in excellent condition
and I cannot be happier as they are doing great in the tank. Now
I will plan the future additions after these have time to settle in and
get established and I'm sure I will be ordering more in the future especially
the tang heaven once I add a tang to the tank." Sam Saqr, Houston,
TX, 8/12/05
"Everything is looking
good so far... The green leather and anthelia look great... all the critters
are just doing their thing.... I'll be in touch again for additional
orders. I'm sure that the tank is going to benefit greatly from the added
biodiversity. Thanks!" KC Camis, Las Vegas, NV, 8/11/05
for the order Gerald, all are healthy and happy
in their new home. Regards from Wilmington, Delaware." Luke
Reissman, 8/11/05
"YES! Please
do add Today's Special for an additional $19.95. A No-Brainer if I ever
saw one! Thank you very much for the additional offer, and I
look forward to receiving this order. I have heard many great things about
your company, and your customer testimonials speak for themselves. Thanks
for your assistance!" Ken Schuman, Cape Coral, FL, 8/1/05
got the shipment and everything looks great. Thank
you for your fast replies, shipping, and for the excellent products. I
will be getting a list together for a second order soon." Sam Saqr,
Houston, TX, 8/1/05
"Live arrival successfully achieved!
(no surprise that) I've got lots of stuff from tiny starfish to pods to
crabs to "what was that" taking over! Best
$99 I've spent on this hobby in months! I'm very pleased!"
Michael Jones, Bloomington, IL, 7/29/05
"Hello Gerald,
thank you very much! Reading the reviews on your website sold me, and I'm
looking forward to receiving the shipment. It's
so awesome to know it's coming directly from Hawaii." Carol
Paquin, Fruitport, MI, 7/20/05
"Hi Gerald... just wanted to tell you all the critters you sent came
in great shape. The Trocus Grazers (these guys are fast when
they want to be), Strombus, Nerites and MicroHermits are all still alive
and doing a wonderful job on my diatoms and green algae...
What I find particularly funny is one of the snails (strombus or the
ones that came with the live sand activator) uses what I call a "slime
rope" to drop to lower places in the rock. I came home one day and
saw a snail suspended in mid water off one of my powerheads, he then proceeded
to use the rope to climb back up, interesting. Thanks again." Jeff
Wong, Elk Grove, CA, 7/15/05
just wanted to tell you that I love the Anthelia Polyps... they arrived
about the size of a quarter and now a year later they are about a foot in
diameter! They are so pretty and healthy! Thanks for quality
product!" Derick John Smith, San Jose, CA, 7/14/05
"Really enjoyed my last package from you guys! I
am starting up a 24 gal. nanocube to use as a seahorse tank. Could you recommend
a package ofitems that would be good for their environment? Also, I need
a few more 'pods for my other tank. Thanks so much!" Lynn Zucker, Boca
Raton, FL, 7/13/05
the descriptions of the above items (and more) I wish I'd known about your
site sooner. It simply sounds awesome. How do I reclaim lost
time and get the most out of your products?" Trent Nevills, Portland,
OR, 7/5/05
"Hi Gerald, I received my order last week
and I just wanted to say thanks. Everything looked
great! So, I would like to place one more order for the Mix n'
Match Special." Joe Urbanski, Harrisonburg, VA, 6/7/05
guys come highly recommended, I can't wait to
find out what I've been missing! Thanks, Sally." Sally Vaughan, Lafe,
AR, 5/31/05
"Thanks, Gerald. My order arrived on schedule.
The packaging was world-class and the labelling
excellent. I was happy to note that there were actually more
of some of the animals than the order called for. By the way, if you remember
my last order, I did all that I could do to kill the Gold Crown Leather.
You told me to hang in there and now it's 4" tall, 3" across and
the centerpiece of my nano... Keep up the good work!" Ed Sprock (Grunfeld
on Reef Central and Michigan Reefers) Shelby Twp MI, 5/20/05
I just received the packages yesterday and WOW.
Every time I order from you, "You knock off my socks."
I see why I don't order from anyone else except
you because you stick to your word. It is nice to work with people
who have the mentality that "CUSTOMERS service is #1". Thanks!"
Lance Evans, Magnolia NJ, 5/13/05
And thanks for a great product! My Hippo and Purple Tang, and
Foxface love Tang Heaven Red. My Hippo had what I thought was fungus or
ick or whatever, but it ended up being head and lateral line disease (HLLE).
I know this now because medication never really completely cleared it up,
but since eating Tang Heaven he is clean as a whistle! Their colors are
brilliant and they are growing fast! I am preparing a larger tank for them
sooner than I had planned!" Rich Devin, Enfield CT, 5/1/05
"Aloha! First I just have to say that your company is the BEST in every regard; customer service,
product and quality. There is no other company that even comes close to
your level of excellence... and I have had experience with many online and
live stores. Now I tell everyone in New York about IPSF. This
is my second order with you and I can't wait to get it!!! SO onto the ordering!
Thank you so much!" Ishmeal Ben-Avraham, Brooklyn, NY, 4/28/05
Just received my order and everything came looking great. Thanks again. It's always great ordering from you dude."
Jeff Schmidt, Woodhaven, NY, 4/22/05
-- let me just say that this is the best deal for any marine aquarium enthusiast.
You have many products that people don't even sell, or are disappointing
when they arrive. Everything that was described in the website was accurate!
I highly recommend the WonderMud to anyone, and the Live Sand Activator,
I saw a MiniStar moving real quick (cute). I love
the sand sifting clams, another specimen I've never seen for sale anywhere
online. I will recommend this website to all my friends. Thanks
sincerely, Homer." Homero Rivera, Paramount CA, 4/7/05
"Just want to say 'Thanks' for the great order. I
have ordered several times before but this is the best shipment yet. I bought
the a triple supersized Mix 'n Match. Lots of life, so much that
I am very surprised. Bristleworms in the Live Sand Activator, and snails
too! More worms and snails in the WonderMud and no telling what all else
is there. I added the WonderMud to my refugium and the LSA to my main tank.
The count even exceeded six on several of the items. Much more than I expected!
The Lime Green leather was much larger than before and looks great in my
tank. All alive and well. Thanks again." David Lattimore, Houston TX,
"I'm very pleased with
my last order and want to make another!" Monte Moore, Greenbrier,
AR, 4/2/05
"Gerald, I just wanted
to say 'Thank You' for the absolutely amazing Mix and Match Special!! The
diversity of infauna I received was amazing in your Wonder Mud
and Live Sand Activator. Also all the snails and hermits went right to work
the moment they were put in my display! I should have ordered from you years
ago! Thanks." Chris Schofield, Chandle AZ, 3/17/05
"I have heard some great things about your company!"
Ishmael Ben-Avraham, Brooklyn NY, 3/16/05
Gerald, The order arrived in perfect condition,
heat packs still a bit warm. Thanks for everything. We'll be
back." Dennis Toner, Clifton NJ, 3/16/05
"I'd like
to order your Mix-n-Match special for my new office reef tank (have
ordered this for home before with great results)." Richard
A. Morgan, Bethesda, MD, 3/6/05.
am anxiously awaiting your shipment. You have been highly recommended by
several very helpful marine aquarists in the greater Pittsburgh area."
Kurt Marks, Mckees Rocks, PA, 2/21/05
you for your prompt reply to my questions earlier. It was a great
help for me to decide on the right products." Deedra Erickson, Sidney,
MT, 2/21/05
"Thank you very
much for all the advice, and for doing wonderful research to broaden our
understanding of the marine world, and preventing the trade from eradicating
many species." Chris Sipe, Iowa City, IA, 2/12/05
is my second order with you and was very happy with my first. Can't
wait to get it!! Thanks!" Tammy Marinac, Idaho Falls, ID, 2/19/05
"Gerald, I just received my order, and everything
looks great... The Trocus, Nerite, and Strombus grazers all are
doing fine (thanks for the extras by the way!), and the Ulva sp. is beautiful!
I took your advice and went with the 10 G instead of the 5 G and I have
a couple pieces of LR and with the pod mats and Ulva. It is an attractive
tank to say the least... Thank you SO MUCH for
your help." Jason Farnum, Jennings, Fl, 2/16/05
Here is the information for my first order. I must
say I am very happy to discover your website. I have been searching for
similar products, but my LFS wasn't giving me any hope. Thank you!"
Peter Laskey, Windsor, CA, 2/16/05
"My Mix
& Match order arrived... Got it all in the tank and the micro hermits
took off all over the place -- even changing shells. The snails are already
roaming around the tank. I had to go back to work,
but I'm anxious to get home and see everything in action. Thanks for your
great service and super product." John F. Martin, Coeur
d'Alene, ID, 2/8/05
"Hi! I would
like to order Coral Heaven in the standard size. My corals really love this
stuff!" Cindi Phoenix, N. Ridgeville, OH, 1/19/05
order has arrived and the plants and added to their respective tanks. Thank you for the expert packing and fast shipping. I
have cordoned off asegment of my 'fuge just for the new macroalgae, and
have seeded it with 'pods. Most of the snails are hard at work already,
and my hermits arefighting over the new shells.
I'll be placing a new order soon!" Hal Stanley, Smithfield,
"Hello! WOW! MY last
order was great... Thanks for your great products and service!"
Austin Willis, Verdi, NV, 01/9/05
received the Mix n Match shipment today and everything was perfect.
I purchased these items this time last year and thought it prudent to add
more genetic stock to my reef tank. Certain animals do get depleted over
time. I removed all the gadgets from my tank, except for a deep sand bed,
a protein skimmer, and pumps for circulation. Never looked better over a
year later. Simplicity and regular water changes seem to be the key.Thanks
again... Joe Taggart, New Castle, DE, 12/29/04
is my second order from IPSF. I was very pleased with the service and condition
of the first shipment. Everything still appears to be alive and
doing well." Michael Pierce, Simi Valley, CA, 12/29/04
"I would
just like to thank you for the great service and products you provide. I
recently moved my 180 gallon reef tank and needed to replenish my critters,
and IPSF really came through. I set
up a 40 gallon growout tank int he garage for Tang Heaven along with growing
Green TH in my refugium. Above the 40 gallon is a single 96W 6700K PC, and
above the 15 gallon refugium is a single 36W PC. My
Blue hippo, Achilles and Purple tangs, along with my Lawnmower blennie love
that algae! Attatched are a few pics of the growout tank and
the fish eating.Thanks again!" Jeremy Sosa, Los Osos, CA, 12/12/04
Gerald, My order arrived safe and sound, and everything
is acclimated and in my new tank. Thanks again for your great service and
quality product." Dave Parker,
Amelia, OH, 12/8/04
"Thanks very much for your time,
you have an amazing site here, I look
forward to ordering more things from you in the future." Miguel Tolosa,
Philadelphia, PA, 12/8/04
"Gerald, just to let you know,
everything came in great condition. My new tank's
bio-diversity just increased by a few orders of magnitude:) Thanks"
--Tri Tran, Union City, CA, 12/4/04
"Hi Gerald, I was very
pleased with my mix in match order I received from you almost 2 months ago.
The amphipods and snails are reproducing like crazy (I haven't
seen small snails yet, but I have seen many eggs). I noticed many small
BristleWorms, Mama Mia worms, and Mini Stars from the Wonder Mud and/or
Live Sand Activator Plus...Overall I loved the order ... Thanks," Mark
Law, Rochester, MN, 12/3/04
have great references from MASST, our local South Texas marine
assoc." Jim Wagstaff, TX, 11/23/04
"I received the
shipment and acclimated as per instructions. Everything looks great! The snails are my favorite part! Those baby Trocus Grazers
just scoured my live rock! Where before was a nasty coating of
diatoms and hair algae, when they left I could see the bright greens and
purplesof the underlying coralline algae! It was incredible.
"The mini brittle stars were great, too!
I found one last night in its little hole--only a couple arms
poked out, but they were actively curling.
"Also, the amphipods are now everywhere
in my tank. They're just as much fun to watch as the snails....
l will certainly be ordering from you again. Thank you so much!" Raph
Martelles, Hillsboro, OR, 11/22/04
Gerald, Got my package today, everything looks great. Thanks a lot!"
Andrew Taylor, Philadelphia, PA, 11/5/04
got everything promptly and are pleased. The clams dug in right
away!" Emory B. Peters, Fairfax, VA, 11/5/04
"By the way, the MiniStars that I had ordered from
you have reproduced almost too successfully
in my aquarium. There are little white arms everywhere! Thanks," Marie-Josee
Desbarats, Chicago, IL, 11/1/04
"Thanks so much for the
quick reply. I will definitely be ordering from you. Great
customer service!!!!" J. Howell 10/25/04
"Thank you for such a wonderful offering."
Bob Webster, Dublin, OH, 10/23/04
Gerald, I was extremely pleased with my order the last time, I've decided
to order again! Thank you also for the free coral..." Angela
Di Pietro, San Francisco, CA,10/12/04
wanted to let you know my order arrived safe and sound. Everything was in
excellant shape & nicely packed. I put the Live Sand Activator
Kit in and I must say I have critters galore. The Mix & Match items
are great. The snails, hermit crabs & sand clams are all very happy.
Thank you very much for the freebies...they are
also doing great. I am looking forward to doing business with you again.
I would recommend you to anyone looking for quality products.
Thanks again." Sandi Strain, Toledo, OH, 10/11/04
you Gerald. I really appreciate prompt and courteous
customer service. I was VERY happy with everything that I received.
You have definitely earned my business in the future.Thank you again."
Bill Goldsberry, Springfield IL, 10/10/04
you for your prompt and complete response. I have your amphipods,
which are thriving and multiplying like crazy, caulerpa and your snails
Trocus and Stromblus...The growth I have now in
the main tank is good and natural as opposed to nonexistent!" Emory
Peters, Fairfax, VA, 10/8/04
"Hi Gerald, Just wanted
to let you know that my order arrived in fine shape
last Saturday (Sept 11). Everything was nicely packed and in excellent condition.
The microhermits are cruising the tank in new shells I've provided and the
snails are doing fine as well. The plant life and worms went into the refugium
and are thriving. I've just purchased a Yellow Tang and will be feeding
it some of the macroalgae I bought from you. I will be ordering again when
it's time to "recharge" the tank/refugium!" Scott Wolff,
Boulder, CO, 9/17/04.
" We received
the shipment yesterday in excellent shape- all of the animals look great,
and are doing fine. Thanks for the "freebies", too...
I look forward to ordering from you again." Jeff Fort, Fairfax, VA,
"I first want to that
you for your order I received a while back, Mix and Match. It was great!!
You also included a small frag... It is about 6" tall and looks great
thanks to the Coral Heaven." Terry Jordan, Fort Collins, CO, 9/12/04
"Hi Gerald! Time for another order, my tangs are tapping
on the glass, "What's with the dried Nori, mom???" Shelia
Black, Sacramento, CA, 9/10/04
you once again for providing one of the best sites on the web to us reefers.
Two thumbs way up already!" Steve Krauskopf, San Antonio
TX, 9/4/04
"Just a quick note to let you know everything arrived safe and alive this morning. Thanks!
I think the critters will be happy in their new home." Cheers,
Robert Belas, Baltimore, MD, 9/02/04
you so much. By the way this is my second order. Your deals are fantastic!" Greg Hyuk Bae, Long Branch, NJ, 9/01/04
"The leather and Acropora I rec'd from you a few months
ago have done better than any other I have ever rec'd via mail.
Thanks so much" Nita Irby, Ithaca, NY, 9/24/04
process the order and thank you for the deal!!!!!
You guys over there on the islands are awesome!" Mike Rowe,
Los Gatos, CA, 8/19/04
wait!" Kristian Blew, Denver, CO, 8/20/04
"I definitely am excited about your product offering--
I already have a 20 gallon refugium tank setup and ready for the algae and
amphipod breeding-- thanks for selling such environmentally
conscious offerings." Rick Rourke, Plantation,
FL, 8/06/04
"So glad I ran across your web site. Great information. I would like to order the SurfZone Live Sand Activator
Plus with the Wondermud." Paul Hille, Galveston, TX, 8/03/04
"This is my third order... I
cannot tell you how pleased I am with the quality of the specimens and the
livestock you distribute. My snails are breeding like crazy and
now I need to populate a new tank. Please send me 1 (one) Reef Tank Tuneup."
Aaron D Kulick, Seattle, WA, 8/1/04
arrived today and looks excellent. Thanks, much!" Jamie
Henderson, Sunnyvale, CA, 7/28/04
been quite some time, and the tanks are doing awesome. My Strombus
Grazers continue to multiply before my eyes. Now that summer time is here,
I think it is time for another tune-up. It is amazing how fast my tank goes
through the Tang Heaven Red also." Steve Vallone, Plymouth Meeting,,
PA, 7/02/04
"Wow!!! There's stuff crawling everywhere
in my tank. The MicroHermits and Strombus are busy day &
night. Only had my critters 4 days and have baby 'pods already, plus a noticeable
decline in algae. Anthelia and leather corals doing great. I'm
extremely pleased with my Mix & Match and the service is as good as
it gets. Thanks." Ed Lee, Rocklin, CA, 6/23/04
like to order a larger than standard package of Tang
Heaven Red, but don't know how much... All I know for sure is
my fish gobble it up like spaghetti."
Marty Ridner, South Haven, MI, 6/28/04
"I would like
your 9 for 99.95 special. This will be for my new 35 gallon refugium. This will be my third order. I really love your products
and service. The best in the industry." Woody Oakley, Fresno,
CA, 6/13/04
"Hi Gerald - My parcel arrived yesterday
and I thank you for all the extras and for the
lovely corals and my tank thanks you for the increased biodiversity.
Once in the tank coral polyps were out in ~15 minutes." Nita Irby,
Ithaca, NY, 6/10/04
"Hi, It's been awhile since my last
order, but everything was growing so well that
I ran out of tank space!" Peng Ho, Lynwood, WA, 6/10/04
"I received my shipment and it was better than you
advertise. I can not believe how nice my shipment was. Thank
you and I will reorder again." Woody Oakley, 5/27/04.
"Hello. All critters are doing well. Too well, actually.
My tank and my neighbor's tank are so clean of algae, we are
concerned that there isn't enough food to sustain the critters." Tom
Grubbs, AZ, 5/24/04.
"Gerald, Received my shipment today.
It arrived at 2 PM EDST about 3 hours earlier than originally estimated
and 1 hour earlier than FedEx was tracking to. Everything
looked wonderful in it's packaging. The micro-hermits are already
adopting new shells. Some of the snails look to be dormant but everytime
I come back to the tank another one is gone or moved. Perhaps one bristle
worm didn't make the trip but the rest of his buddues have "disappeared".
The mysids and red Tang Heaven are in the 'fuge and appear to be OK...Thanks
again." Ed Sprock, Shelby Twp, MI, 5/13/04
was fantastic, including customer service. Keep up the good work! Looking
forward to continue doing business with your company. Thank you. "
John A. Lombardi, LindenHurst, NY, 4/30/04
Gerald, thank you sooooo much for the extras (Freebies). It was
a great surprise after the business morning I had...it made our week. We
will take good care of them. As usual everything arrived in excellent condition.
We'll be ordering soon." Rebecca Moslowski, 4/28/04
"Hi guys! I loved my first order that I got from you
and I'm almost out of Tang Heaven. I have two fat and happy tangs. It's
time for another mix& match special." Sheila Black, Sacramento,
CA, 4/26/04
"Thank you for the
outstanding customer service. This will indeed work for me. Thank you so
much for the help." Brandon Wilson Mequon, WI, 4/22/04
"Thanks for the professional processing of my order
Gerald. Can't wait for the blessed arrival either. But if this
part of the processes is any indication, all will be outstanding. Thank
you." Randy Short, Council Bluffs, IA, 4/21/04
"Aloha IPSF! Just wanted to let you know my order
made it to MA. alive and kicking! You sent TONS of 'pods and those RED Mama
Mia Worms are pretty cool, sticking their fingers out everywhere! The
Tang Heaven Red was a nice bonus- I didn't know it came with the 'Pod Breeding
Kit. My daughter loves the Microhermits and has held them in her hands,
and has them in her own tank. All in all, I was
more than happy with your 9 for $99! This is all I have in this
tank, preparing it for seahorses and now it looks alive. Thanks again for
an awsome job!" Lorraine Bailey, Sandisfield, MA, 4/19/04
"I really appreciate what you are doing with all the
captive reared critters! I have let many people know of your
site, quality packages, and what you do for the hobby. Keep up the good
work!!!" Steve Nichols, Lexington, KY, 4/18/04
"Gerald, Thanks as always for the quick response and
recommendations. I am hoping to have the refugium ready in the
next few weeks, at that time I will place an order for the package you listed
below..." Bill Carson, 4/12/04
received my shipment last week and I'm very pleased... The anthelia is doing
great, and we frequently see signs of the worms and pods. The tank is off
to a great start. Thanks for your help." Paul Durrant, 4/7/04
"I got my stuff today It all looks great thinks
so much." Vanessa, 4/2/04
got so many interesting things that I've got to have it all! Thanks,"
Brian Anderson, 3/29/04
heard great things about the Mix 'n Match package in the various reef forums,
and I'm looking forward to stocking my tank. Thank you for your
help and keep up the good work!" Paul Durrant, Kansas City, MO, 3/23/04
"The shipment arrived tuesday in good shape. Quite
pleased with the criters received. Thank you," Tania Dunlap,
Paradise, CA, 3/25/04
"My order
arrived in good shape about noon today (24th) well packed, warm and alive.
Thanks much," John LaGrange, 3/24/04
"Thank you very much, your company is the best I have
dealt with on the internet." Richard Dercole, Ramsey, NJ,
"Your package arrived
today. Very pleased. Little critters scurrying around my 90 Gallon Indo-Pacific
Reef tank." F. E. Mouton, Shreveport, LA, 3/12/04
"Gerald, Wow! you are a class act, best in the business!
Mahalo," Art Avilez, CA, 3/10/04
Just wanted to let you know I received my shipment and everything is alive
and doing well. Thanks again for your service,
It's comforting to know I'm not impacting the oceans with your product.
I'll be sure to order from you again!" Mike Darsshewski,
"Shipment arrived, everything
is great and the Tang Heaven is beautiful. Thank You," Gary
Case, 3/5/04
"Gerald, I wanted to give you a status update.
The Reef Amphipods are doing excellent; they
seem to like to eat the Tang Heaven RED. There seems to be a population
explosion and thus following a depletion of the TH RED...
MY SAND BED IS GOING NUTS! I even have baby brittle stars mysteriously.
Lots of life and weird creatures constantly discovered. I now have a population
of worms in my sand bed. The plugs of the coralline have by far been the
best item for my tank; I finally have successfully propagating coralline.
Pink Purple and even Green? I constantly see the population explode. AS A SERIOUS HOBBYIST, I AM IMPRESSED. Where others have
failed in bringing biodiversity and life to my tank you have succeeded.
Many thanks to you." Jim Newell, 3/4/04
wanted to let you know that everything arrived in great condition. The leather corals are awesome!! Is the green color of
the green leather for real? WOW!! Will it stay that color? Thank-you.
I was wondering what I should feed the amphipods? Do they need anything?
They are all running around the refugium!! The worms and mini starfish are
all fine. Thanks again." Dianna Orona, 2/26/04
"Thank you, the shipment arrived with no casualties
and as far as I can tell, every single animal is still doing very well after
a week. I see the worms from time to time; the Trocus snails
are doing a great job mowing down the hair algae and have already cleaned
about half of my rock completely. The hermits have each already swapped
shells many times and are clearly working on what's left of my diatom bloom.
The Turbo snail is elusive, but I see him most nights. The Strombus grazers
are very busy but haven't started laying eggs yet from what I can see. The
Nerites spend a good amount of time at the water line during the day, but
get into the tank every night and are doing a good job on the glass. Everyone
is active, hard at work and healthy. Thank you!" Michael Bohan, 2/23/04
"I just wanted to let you know that everything arrived
in great shape! Also, my two Tangs are now definitely in "Heaven"
with the "Tang Heaven", they nibble, swim about a foot
away, then turn and head straight back. They can't stay away!! I put the
most of it in my refugium so that I can put smaller amounts in the main
tank." Cheri Pawlak, 2/20/04
order was awesome and everything is doing well in my tank. I
will definitely be ordering from you again! Alexandra "Lexi" Reynolds,
"I have ordered Tang
Heaven several times in the past couple of years. All my tangs really love
to eat it, and now they won't eat anything else. After a just
a few days, I noticed how much more plump all my tangs were. I just can't
seem to keep up with their appetite for it. I placed 2 single orders for
Tang Heaven just a couple weeks ago and I am close to needing some more
already. I would be very interested in placing a bulk order if possible."
Michael Hering, 2/26/04
first order of your Mix and Match helped me to completely cycle in less
than 4 days and remain stable without any fluctuations at all." John
Russel, Frisco, TX, 2/15/04
ordered in the past from you, extremely happy with everything, look
forward to the order thank you!" Kaureen Perez, Tustin, CA, 2/13/04
you so much for the order!! everything arrived alive and healthy. all the animals acclimated quickly and the amount of life
you've given to my sand bed is great! i will be recommending
you to all my friends and will be ordering again in the future." Sung
Lee, 2/13/04
"...my lime green
leather is doing well, my gold crown leather is HUGE, my trocus snails are
reproducing like mad, and my amphipods seem to be doing well also. I
didn't even know if I had any amphipods until I bought a large red sponge.
They chewed that thing up within one week. At night, all you'd see is hundreds
of amphipods chewing through this poor sponge. Oh well, guess I can't put
sponges in my tank. Point is, more than happy with
the results of my order. Thanks!" Tim, 2/8/04
arrived on time and in great shape. Thanks for
the bonus screaming green leather start on the Anthelia start
I ordered. it came in short with a cauliflower head, but when it hit the
tank all the branches got reeeeaaallllllllyyyyyyy lllooooooonnnnnnnggggg,
looks like it may turn out to be a "rasta" leather. I
have never seen anything alive that was that neon--it's highlighter green
under the regular MH/ actinic compact fluorescent bulbs and a true highlighter
yellow (!!!) under 03 fluorescent Actinics alone. Is that your
"lime green leather" that's offered as a supersize item, or just
a very happy chance? I am a newbie small scale reef farmer, am propagating
corals and selling them to the local fish stores and bartering for special
starts with 2 reef farmers in California. It'll be a while before that baby
gets big enough to frag, but it will be a huge hit when it does. That coral
alone has the potential to eventually pay for my entire order!" Kari
Yanski, 2/3/04
"Thank you Gerald.
This how all businesses should be run." Ryan McPhillips,
Laguna Niguel, CA, 2/02/04
Gerald, I am placing my third order because I love you guys! Your stuff
is fantastic!" Chris Kampanowski, 1/28/04
wanted to drop a line and say that the 9 for $99.99
Mix and Match package that I ordered just after Christmas is doing great! Everything has acclimated, especially
the pods who are breeding like rabbits. My refugium is literally swarming
with the guys. I was a little worried that they would get chopped
up making their way to the display tank but apparently they are making it
ok, as I have them all over the display tank as well. Thanks for everything!!"
Charles "Chris" Connell, Canton, GA, 1/25/04
you very much for the info. Love your site and
product line. Very informative site as well." Paul Gemeinhardt,
Rancho Dominguez, 1/23/04
received my order this morning. It is awesome! I placed everything
in a refugium... thanks." Ray Tancredi, Philadelphia, PA, 1/15/04
received the order last week, and posted a thread for fellow reefers.....
Thanks again. Everything made the trip , and I can't wait to order again! Thanks."
Ryan McPhillips, Laguna Niguel, CA, 1/14/04
"Hi there!
Just wanted to let you know our shipment arrived yesterday and everything
looks great! Thank you so much! I'm glad we found
you guys -- you are an excellent company. Happy New Year!"
Stephanie Edwards, Brighton, CO,12/31/03
"Howdy! I got
everything bright and early this morning. Looks
really good! Just wanted to say thanks." Scott Click, Tacoma,
"Got it! Everything
looks great. I always enjoy my orders from you." Jon Bertoni,
Mountain View, CA,12/31/03
"hi its jamey from staten
island don't know if u remember me or not but the
order you sent me a few months ago did wonders for my tanks...
i have sps lps and soft corals and clams corcea... i've givin you're company's
name out quite often and i hope it brings you much business as you truly
deserve it - quality stuff and great customer service...
thanks" Jamey Depp, Staten Island, NY, 11/27/03
again, and Happy Thanksgiving! I am pretty much
addicted to your incredible products, and currently planning my 3rd. order!
Both previous orders went right to work with nothing but success! Thanks
in advance." Steve Vallone, Plymouth Meeting, PA, 11/26/03
just wanted to let you know that I received my mix and match order Nov 5th
and within two weeks I already have baby snails
in my tank (with no other organisms except live rock in the tank prior).
So any claims that snails MAY breed are completely false. THEY WILL BREED.
Thanks so much!" Aaron D. Kulick, Seattle, WA,11/20/03
"That Mix 'n Match Special has already made such an
unbelievable difference. ... All that reef debris I call "dust"
gone in 24 hours.Thanks so much, I am looking foward to the next
shipment." Rebecca Moslowski, Bordentown, NJ, 11/13/03
to send you a quick thank you for the shipment! I
must admit that I had doubts about the claims on your website, but I was
pleasantly surprised when I opened my box. The Lime Green Leather add-on
was KILLER! Live Sand Activator is also a great way to keep your sand bed
fresh each year. You've earned a repeat customer!" Ryan
Bowen, San Francisco, CA11/11/03
"Hello... I would like
to tell you that everything I received from you
in my last two orders was great. I am very happy." Pete
Redel, Racine, WI, 11/13/03
You guys sure know how to ship! Everyone arrived safe and sound
and settled in nicely. Most of the pods found themselves on the dinner plate
of my damsel. That's life on the food chain. You have a repeat customer
here! Thanks," Rene Degonia, Las Vegas, NV,11/12/03
I recently received an order from your company. I
am very pleased with the quality of the product and the service." Lance
Smith, Hixon, TN,11/10/03
was really pleased with my order two years ago when I was starting
my new 29 gallon tank. I'm still seeing the benefits two years later. I
want to do the same for my new 180 gallon reef tank that I just started.
Two hundred pounds of uncured rock were introduced today. I want to start
with a new Mix 'n Match package to get my sandbed started. Thanks,"
Jim Newlin, Martinsville, IN, 10/30/03
I received my order early this morning and everything was super! I
had purchased a "clean up" package from a local fish store for
$99.00 and your order was twice as much stock for
half the price! Everything looks great and the critters are eating
so much algea that the live rock is actually starting to show now. Thanks
again for the remarkable service!" Jimmy Clifton, Amarillo, TX, 10/24/03
"This is my second order of your wonderful natural
product from Hawaii. My tangs (Hippo and Yellow) go bananas over it! Their
health has never been better thanks to Tang Heaven. Thanks!" Kevin
R. Good, Berkeley Heights, NJ, 10/19/03
there! I'm really excited to receive these items, I've heard nothing but
great things about you guys." David M.Conners, Clinton,
CT, 10/15/03"I would like to place an order with your fine company.
I am very excited to be doing business with a website that is so highly
recommended." Alan Stanford, Hoffman Estates, IL, 10/14/03
"I recently made a purchase of a Reef Tank Tuneup
and an Amphipod Breeding Kit... I am extremely happy with both."
Steve Vallone, Plymouth Meeting, PA, 10/13/03
package is great! Everything looks good and thank you for giving
me the extra snail, clam, etc. I'm really happy.
Nice day!" Andrew Lou, Sun Valley, CA, 10/04/03
ordered some of your algae and critters in a mix'n'match special back in
July. I set up a 20 gallon refugium beside my main tank and put all of the
order into it (clams,worms, algae,wondermud, snails..ect). The
results have been most impressive. I was more interested in nitrogen
and phosphate control when I set it up. It does that well. Water is clearer.
The skimmer output has probably decreased to 25% of its former output. Water
changes are done more out of habit than need at this point and much less
often. I sat and studied the tanks last night.
The corals, fan worms, and polyps have probably grown as much in 2 months
as they have in the preceding year. Pure water? Partially. A
really close look at the refugium provided the rest of the answer. Small snails, amhipods, worms, plankton, and lord knows
what else that you had in there were everywhere. Food for the main tank
in constant, never-ending supply. This is perfect. One little refugium and
everything gets the right diet and the algaes keep the water purer than
it has ever been. Talk about a no lose situation! Thanks."
Lee Cooper, Batesville, AR, 10/1/03
"Gerald, Thank you very much for the great service." Ty
Tran, Sunnyvale, CA, 9/22/03
ready for more! I received my first order Feb 21, 2003. Now I must have
hundreds of strombus snails! And my fat little mandarin goby is demanding
more amphipods, so I started a 10-gallon breeding tank just for them."
Leslie I. Krzeczowski, Scotts Valley, CA, 9/12/03
"My Tangs love that Tang Heaven. They are getting
fat and have deep coloring. Even my clowns and Coral Beauty Angel eat the
Tang Heaven. Thank and Aloha," Joni Hasse, West Chicago,
IL, 9/06/03
"Hi Gerald, I will have to say, all the items you shipped me were great. Everything arrived
alive and kicking even though I was worried about the hot temps
here in Kansas and what you shipped was awesome. The quantity of everything
that arrived that I ordered was much greater than what was actually ordered
and the quality, like I said earlier, couldn't have been better." Kevin
Steinle, Concordia, KS, 9/05/03
items arrived in good condition with your usual attention to detail.
Thanks so much!" Kris Shanks, Petaluma, CA, 9/05/03
"Shipment arrived just fine. Everything looked great
and was added to the tank last evening. Thank you." Debbie Neiferd,
Lafayette, IN, 9/05/03
week I received my first order from your company (a Mix n' Match special).
Everything you sent arrived in excellent condition and is doing great in
the tank. I am very impressed with the way you conduct business and the
quality of your product and I will certainly be ordering more from you in
the near future as my tank matures." Dennis Hass, Delran,
NJ, 8/30/03
"Dear IPSF... I
would like to order my seventh Mix 'n Match Special from you. Thanks for
a Great Job!" Michael Nassenstein Grovetown, GA, 8/27/03
Gerald, My order arrived alive and kickin. All are doing well. Thanks for everything and keep up the great work."
Terry Onnen, Topeka, KS, 8/09/03
just a note to say..WOW!!!!!! The Tune-up kit is just great.
I had a MAJOR hair algae problem. But no more. All the critters arrived
in good shape and went to work. The algae is gone, and coralline algae is
covering the rocks. This is the best group of snails
and crabs I have ever purchased. The Strombus Grazers are multipling like
crazy. Thanks, " Bill Moyer, Carlisle, PA, 8/07/03
back for another order for a new 60 gal. reef tank and its refugium. I've been extremely pleased with all the stuff I've ordered
in the past and they are all thriving." Anthony Uy, Concord,
CA, 8/06/03
"Hello Gerald, My Reef
Tank Tune-up crew arrived shortly after 9:00 a.m. this morning,
and they are all busy doing their thing in my 72. They all came in in great shape, and for that I
am grateful. By the way, the little clams that I got a week ago in the Mix
& Match have now all burrowed into the substrate, for which I am also grateful to you for the magnificent job IPSF
does. No losses, and I'm thrilled to have all aquacultured critters. Thanks
again for a great job." Peggy Nelson, Stillwater, MN, 8/02/03
"Got the critters and algae
packs. Everything was fine. I was amazed at the amount of algaes that you
include. I was putting everything into a 20 gallon refugium off
of the main tank and was beginning to wonder if it would hold it all. It
didn't so I dropped some into the main tank to see what the tang would do...
Thanks." Lee Cooper, Batesville, AR, 7/31/03
received a large order of detrivores/macroalgae/LS/etc. from you last week
and I couldn't be happier with my new critters." Steve Williams,
Houston, TX, 7/29/03
"My Mix & Match arrived at 8:40
a.m. and everyone's in the 72. The Strombus and
Nerites are on the move, and the mini stars were all active and scurrying
around the bowl when I acclimated them... Thanks for your great service..."
Peggy Nelson, Stillwater MN, 7/25/03.
for the order. Everything arrived in great condition... generally, a very
great diversity of organisms." Steve McGlothlin, Clarendon
Hills IL, 7/24/03
"I have heard
great things about your company, and think it's high time I had
some first hand experience." Stephen B. Williams, MD, Houston, TX,
"Gerald, I just thought I would let you know
that my shipment arrived safely last week. Everything
was packed really well and is looking good. Its been just over
a week now that I introduced everything into my tank and all are doing extremely
"Last year I read alot of the positive
feedback from your customers and this was a deciding factor when I placed
that order. After being so pleased with my initial order I had
my own positive experience that helped me to decide to place another order
with you. I plan to order from you when I need something you offer many
more times in the future...
"I chose to Super-Size my order with the
leather corals. Both are doing BEAUTIFULLY!!! The Gold Crown
Leather (Sarcopython) extended its polyps almost immediately after I placed
it in the tank. I look forward to watching him grow. The Lime Green Leather
is doing amazingly well too. I love the color it shows under the Actinics.
My partner says it so nice looking that it looks fake...lol. To me it looks
electric. Thank you once again for your great products
and service." Justin DuPont, Kilgore TX, 7/11/03
Gerald, thanks so much for the order! I have to
tell you that people from the "Big Island" can't count! Too many
coconuts fall from tree onto head....... kidding! I got 9 mini
stars instead of 6 and 7 clams instead of 6 .Lots of macros!! I love the
red tang and the yellow tang is awesome! thank you- thank you- thank you!!!!! I will tell my reefer friends about your great business
and how the counting favors toward the customer!" Tom Fancy,
Phoenix, AZ, 7/10/03
"Aloha once again IPSF, my first order with you was quite a success, everything
came quickly, arrived in great condition, and all the critters are thriving
wonderfully. Talk about a tank reboot! So here I am again,, needing
a couple more things and knowing I can trust you to deliver great stuff
again." Christopher Robinson Woodland Hills, CA, 7/05/03
"Tim Hall here. Just wanted to let you know that
my order arrived today in great shape. Boy,
you nearly sent me the whole "farm!" You clearly were very generous
with me, and I am very grateful. Thanks so much!" Tim Hall,
St. Louis, MO, 7/02/03
"I would
like to order your Mix-N-Match special. I got one of these before and was
really happy with it. I think it's time for a booster shot for
the sand bed." Justin DuPont, Kilgore, TX, 6/30/03
"Again, thanks in advance not only for the great product,
but the customer service as well!!!" Michael P. Dean, Orange
Park, FL, 6/19/03
"This will be the second time I have
ordered the Mix 'n Match Special. The Gold Leather
and Anthelia polyps did wonderfully on my last order. Thanks for all you
have done to improve the hobby and help in keeping healthy tanks. I
am sure when I am ready to go with a larger tank I will be placing another
order. Thanks again, you guys are great!" Mark P. Brady, Bonaire GA,
"Hello, I got my shipment
this morning at 10 am. My roomate finally peeled me away from my tank around
3 pm.. All the stuff is fantastic! The Ministars are so cool.
I put everything through the acclimation process. Everything was active
and doing great. Thanks for the little extras too...This is the kickstart
my tank needed. Thanks again, you guys are so great."
Todd Magsamen, 6/13/03, San Diego, CA
"Gerald thanks
for your help. I received everything just fine...
looks good a lot of stuff, you sure do give a lot. I
am very happy. I added everything and after the mud and live
sand settled it looked great I will be ordering in the near future ."
Jim Goldstein, Fairfield, CT, 6/13/03
"Thanks for the
update, I can't
wait to receive the order. The last one was great." Eric
Sweet, 6/11/03, Oakland, CA
"I was very
pleased with my initial order, so I'd like to place a follow-up
order." Mark Sowka,Waxhaw, NC, 6/10/03
"Hi Gerald,
the Tang Heaven is excellent stuff,
thanks a lot." Mirko Tanuredjo, Irvine, CA, 6/08/03
"Hi Gerald! Hal n' Charlie here.
How are things in balmy, tang heaven Hawaii? Lots
of critters showed up here yesterday... We sure appreciate your offering
this critical venue for biodiversity. While many aquarists seem preoccupied
with the "big and beautiful" critters, they really should be concentrating
on more of the little, not-so-pretty guys." Hal n' Charlie
Newell in Waconia, MN, 6/05/03
"Hi: Everything arrived early this am PST. All the critters were in
good shape and were active within minutes of being placed in the tank after
acclimation. Thank you for the prompt service and
great algae and animals." Larry Shaw, Northridge, CA, 6/05/03
"Hi Gerald, Thanks so much for all
your help and the very generous offer! I really appreciate your advice on
seeding the bed. It's nice to be able to get expert opinions on stuff like
this! And you guys have a fantastic company --
I have always been *VERY* impressed with your service, critters and shipping/packaging.
Thank you so much for all your help." Stephanie Edwards,
"I received the package first thing this morning
(call it 9:00 am) and all looks well. It's been
a pleasure doing business with you." Brian Guidry, Livermore,
CA, 6/04/03
"All the
critters arrived safely. Thank you very much for your prompt service. I notice that I received a lot more than I asked for with
each of the packages. Wow - I really appreciate it. Thanks and
aloha," Scott Putnam, Redding, CA, 5/30/03
"Hi Gerald - I just wanted to
write back and let you know that I got the shipment
fine; everything acclimated well; and a big Thank You for the Sarco/toadstool
clone that was attached to the Anthelia. That was a nice surprise, something
I've wanted for a while... Overall, a good deal. I love the small
snails that are so active on my glass, and all of the coral cuttings seem
to be responding well to their new home. Thanks... " Mark Felten, Madison,
WI, 5/30/03
"I received the mix and match order with
mama mia's and baby brittle stars and everything
seems to be doing fine... snails and amphipods breeding like crazy."
Darin Clifton, St. Louis, MO, 5/23/03
"Thanks, you guys are awesome." Glen
Buckner, Biologist, the Conservancy of SW FL, Naples, FL, 5/28/03
just wanted to let you know I received my shipment and as
always everything arrived in great condition. Great packaging, great customer
service, great response times. I couldn't ask for any more! Thanks
for all your help. Best Regards," Tom Dietrich, West Lawn, PA, 5/23/03
"Hi Gerald, Just wanted
to let you know I received my shipment and I couldn't be happier. All
of the critters went right to work. Thank you and I look forward to doing
business with you in the future! Sincerely," Brian Fox, Suffern, NY,
"My shipment arrived right on time. Everything looks great. Awesome job on packing,
thanks so much." Paul Shurmon, Grand Prairie, TX, 4/09/03
"All critters from my previous order are doing great!
Thanks for the good customer service." Gordon Fischer, Valley
Springs, CA, 3/21/03
"Thank you for your quick response.
You folks have an outstanding reputation and I'm
looking forward to doing business with you on a continuing basis."
Hal Mann, Perrysburg, OH, 1/27/03
I am so very pleased with my order! It has been over a month and I am harvesting
every week to thin out the various macro algae. The amount of 'pods is incredible!
Thanks," Kevin Zari, Merritt Island, FL, 1/19/03
I got your shipment today; just wanted to give you an update. Last night
was the coldest night in 2 years, here in NJ. I got the shipment from Fedex
at 10:30a.m. Upon opening the box, I noticed that the 2 heat packs where
hard as rocks. The water temperature in the bags, was cold- very cold, everything
looked dead. I went thorough the motions and acclimated
slowly (very slowly) amazingly everything "defrosted", and I don't
think I suffered a single loss. Amazing considering the temperature of the
water (I estimate it was about 50 Deg F.).Just letting you know how pleased
I am, your stock must be extremely hardy to survive that trip. Thanks
again!!" Nick Burns, Piscataway, N.J., 12/04/02
"Hi Gerald, I got a new tank up and going and you
are the first vendor I am ordering from to stock it because of your quality
and nowhere-else-to-find products." Brad Gardner, Birmingham
AL, 12/04/02
"Aloha Gerald, This will be my third order
with you, needless to say I have been very satisfied with your service and
products. If you see anything on my order that shouldn't be there feel free
to substitute, I trust your judgement completely." Joe W. Clyde, Langley,
WA, 11/04/02
"Howdy, Gerald,
Just got my second Mix 'n Match special from you guys and once again am
very pleased! The micro-hermits (I love those guys) and snails
are already hard at work. The anthelia polyps are waving around and even
the acropora fragis starting to look fuzzy from its polyps. I can"t
wait for the clams andMama Mia worms to get cranking. Just as the last order,
this one had some bonus materials which is always appreciated...
"Thanks for offering this stuff. Most
people don"t take into consideration that an aquarium should be a complete
ecosystem to be successful. None of the LFS1s in
my area offer any of the essential livestock you provide and
we have no way of building the balance and biodiversity that is required
to successfully keep our little reefs going. Keep
up the excellent service to your customers and the hobby!"
Joel Hutton, Highland Village, TX, 9/26/02
products are just wonderful!!!" Carmen Towles, Los Angeles,
CA, 9/22/02
"Just wanted to
let you know that everything arrived just fine... The quantity
of Macro algae you supplied was way more than I expected. My refugium should
be full of Red and Gold macro in no time at all. I have already seen the
snails, pods and worms cruising around the sand bed so hopefully they will
start to thrive soon. The Lime Green Leather I got was way nicer than I
expected... it puffed right up under my PC lights. Thanks again for a smooth
transaction..." Tyson Smith, Nashville, TN, 9/06/02
"Everything arrived just fine and is doing great in
my tanks. Thanks again for all the life these critters have brought to my
tanks. I know that the diversity of life is great for any system."
George Saalfrank, Fort Wayne, IN, 9/03/02
received all in good health acclimated and introduced them with great success,
thanks once again." Dr. Mark Davis, Colt's Neck, NJ, 9/01/02
"Hello again. My last purchase has turned out great.
The amount life in my refugium, due to your kit, is amazing.
I didn't think it was possible in such a short period of time. So, I would
like to order more 8 )." Jeff Stein, Woodland Hills, CA, 8/31/02
"Aloha, Gerald! One of your customer's testimonials
spoke of watching all the life running around the tank after one of your
shipments - danged good description as I spent
a fair amount of time just watching the micro-hermits and bristle worms
making their living - fascinating! Thanks very much - I look
forward to doing more business with you in the near future! Aloha!"
Chuck Palmist, Plano, TX, 8/30/02
searched all around the net and your site is the HIGHEST recommended
so I'm going to go for it!" Calvin Roberts, Joppa, MD, 8/21/02
"Got the package. Everything in good shape. Thanks
for the great service." Charles Moon, Los Angeles, CA 8/20/02
"Thanks again for the quick service and great product."
Li-Lun Wang, Houston, TX, 8/16/02
"Gerald, just wanted
to let you know that as always your shipment arrived
in perfect condition, and we were very
pleased with the quality and quantity of the critters we ordered,
Regards." Mike Imbler, Wichita, KS, 7/25/02
"Aloha.....As usual you were more than generous and everything arrived
in great shape, thx so much." Marcy Everman, Salinas, CA,
"Just want to say that I appreciate you sending
the replacement at no extra cost. I was hoping that you would just replace
a few snails and crabs. But you really went the
extra mile in replacing the entire kit [following the Fedex delay].
Thanks again for the great customer service. I
would gladly shop ipsf again!" Steve Koch, Warner Robbins, GA, 7/25/02
Gerald, I just wanted to drop you a quick note that I received my shipment and I love it!! I am so happy I decided to upgrade to the super-sized Mix
n' Match package. Everything came very well packaged - a testament
to the fact that you really care about your customers and the delicate animals
you send!! I really love the variety and assortment of your package - and
I especially love the Mini-Stars! Thank you for everything - Know that I
will be purchasing from you in the future and also refer all of my reef-keeping
friends...Take care," Susan Ikemoto Ishii, Thousand Oaks, CA, 7/19/02
"Hey Gerald, the Nerites came this morning. Thanks
for the amazing service. You are my snail/crab supplier for life. :) Adam
Parmelee, San Jose, CA 7/19/02
friend ordered Tang Heaven 2 weeks ago and i tried it and my tang loved
it... excellent!! Thank you." Frank Marzella, Brooklyn,
NY, 7/08/02
"Once again you
guys are the greatest. Thanks." Beth Harrision, Newhall,
CA, 7/07/02
"Last order was excellent, thanks." Kevin
Buch, Naperville, IL, 7/5/02
very pleased with everything I received. My son was very excited
to see the sand bed clams burrow into the sand. Everything seems to be doing
very well. Thank you for your business. I look forward to future transactions.
Mark Vigil, Santa Fe, NM, 07/04/02
everything early today and was very pleased. Thank you for the great service!"
David Piperno, Bloomfield, NJ, 7/03/02
"I just finished putting everything
into my tank. All I can say is WOW! I got exactly what I ordered
(now-a-days that is a major accomplishment), I got more of most things...worms,
pods, crabs! You have yourself a client for life, for whenever I need anything
you offer! Thanks, Kirk Frey, Farmington Hills, MI, 6/28/01
"Just wanted to let you know
my tang loves the Tang Heaven Red, he turned into a plump looking fish in
2 days. Gave some to my friend and his did the same thing. Thanks
for a great product." Renee Lannana, Brooklyn, NY,6/28/02
"I've heard many, many good things about you and your
company. Keep up the great work!" Rose Knight, 6/28/02
"Gerald, Great stuff yet again.
Everything is perfect. Thanks!" Eric Tucker, Columbus, OH,
"I have ordered from your
(Mix 'n Match) previously and was incredibly pleased with your products!
I truly believe your Wonder Mud and Live
Sand Activator are what has made my 55 gal set up thrive. My friends and
reef buddies are blown away by all the bio-diversity I have and I've only
been set up for about 6 months now." Kris Payne, Farmington,
CT, 6/07/02
"Aloha, Gerald.
Everything arrived alive 30 minutes ago. Great package, everything looks
great!" Albert B. Jeffers, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 6/07/02
"Thank you again for all your help and keep up the
GREAT work!!! I noticed my Hawaiian Turbo snails were breeding
today... just 24 hrs. in the tank and I saw 2 shooting sperm and one shooting
eggs... I will be ordering from you again when I set up my 65 gal. Reef
tank next year!!!!!" Your VERY SATISFIED customer, Michael Whitt Huntsville
Al, 5/31/02
I received the Mix 'n Match Special, (plus the tang heaven gold) this morning.
Everything was in great shape. You exceeded my
expectations! Thanks so much!" Kevin M. Mickey, Berwyn,
IL, 5/31/02
"I was so pleased
with my last order from IPSF I am ready for my second order,
this time to stock my new refugium. The Anthelia polyps I received as part
of my last order are unbelievable! In little over a month the colony has
more than quadrupled in size. It is just stunning to see how quickly this
coral has grown. I am just about ready to start taking cuttings from the
colony to share with others in my area." Jay Ribak, Nashua, NH, 5/22/02
"Gerald, Once again your products have blown me out
of the water!! Everything is alive, and going about the job of cleaning
up my reef tanks. Thank you." Andrew Baikie, Brick, NJ,
"Perfect! Just to let
you know how happy I am with the order. Everything came in fine shape, so
much life! For what the 7th time. Thank You." Robert Oba,
Saratoga, CA, 5/04/02
"2 for
2. Got another order today and everything is perfect again. You've found
a new loyal customer. Thanks!" Erik Tucker, Columbus, OH,
"Hi there!
Just wanted to let you know that everything is kicking now. The refugium
is bursting with life, literally (everything inside is wiggling, including
newborn amphipods), the Anthelia polyp is growing like insane and all seem
happy and healthy.Thanks! =))))" Ania Bulas, La Jolla, CA,
"Hello Gerald, I wanted you to know the reshipment
of my order arrived today and everything was in great shape! Thank
you again for your prompt handling of the FedEx problem I had with the original
shipment last week. Again, this is just one more reason I'll continue to
recommend others order from IPSF! Your customer
service is outstanding!! Warmest Regards," Tom Dietrich,
West Lawn, PA, 4/25/02
"I received my shipment Friday and it was
great. The packaging was awesome. Everything survived and is
in the aquarium and flourishing. Thanks for the extras... I will be ordering
another Mix 'n Match soon." Kurt Roux, Arlington, TX, 4/20/02
"Got my delivery and couldn't be more pleased. You'll
be hearing from me again soon." Erik Tucker, Columbus, OH, 4/20/02
"Hi Gerald, I love your product! They are such excellent
live stock I needed to order more." Thanh Ha, Oakland, CA,
"OK -- ready to order. And
YOUR supersize special is WAY cooler than what Arby's, Burger King or Wendy's
has to offer!" Rebecca Dimmick, Essington, PA, 4/15/02
"I am a repeat customer - who once had 6 Strombus
snails and now easily have more than 100." Mark Jacobsen,
Washington, DC, 4/15/02
Mix 'n Match special came today and I am deliriously happy. I
will be enlarging my refugium in a couple of weeks and will give you a call
about that! Thanks again for making me ecstatic!"
Nancy King, Sleepy Hollow, NY, 4/12/02
once again from Colorado! Weather is warm, and its
time to recharge the Reef. Please send me one SuperSized Mix-n-match. Thanks
in advance for what I'm sure will be another excellent order."
Larry Brubaker, Longmont, CO, 4/02/02
"Aloha Gerald!
I'm really looking forward to getting the shipment. Thanks
for providing all these wonderful animals/critters/etc."
Kate Wurm, Austin, TX, 3/16/02
shipment arrived in fine shape. I am extremely pleased with the assortment
you sent. Will definitely order again." Mark Dunlap, 3/15/02
"Hello! I'm enjoying my last order tremendously. My
little food-generation tank is as much fun as my big one. I like
watching all the small creatures, and seeing the baby strombus growing is
wonderful. I see the trocus snails growing. They're much more fun than the
astreas: more colorful and more active. They also seem to spout some white
stuff out of a tube from time to time. Is that a spawning?" Jon Bertoni,
"I just received my
shipment today from IPSF and everything arrived healthy and alive...Thanks
so much... I will order again from your company. It also arrived
when you said it would. Thanks again," Patricia Richards, Carrollton,
GA, 3/15/02
"Your diversity
is so great, I'm back again for my refugium!!!" Michael
Elniski, Niagara Falls, NY, 3/11/02
for a great site..." Patricia Richards, Carrollton, GA,
"I would like to order
my fifth Mix and Match special. Good stuff that you cannot get anywhere
else for the price." Michael Nassenstein, Grovetown, GA,
"Gerald: Just a quick
note to let you know that I am thrilled with the 2 orders that I received
from you last week. Everything arrived in perfect condition and my tank
is doing beautifully. I am setting up a refugium this week, and
I would like to add a supersized MIx 'n Match Special to get it going properly."
Steve Sermonet, Nashville, TN, 2/25/02
took a look at the reef early this morning and realized that there are many
many of your mamma mia worms in the sand bed, among
the rocks, living on the powerheads, etc... These are all (I assume) decendents
of the few that I received from you a couple of years ago in one of my previous
orders. Like the mini brittle stars they
are everywhere now!" Jon Simmons, Burlington, MA, 2/19/02
Gerald, I wanted to know what was in Coral Heaven? I fed the gold crown
coral that arrived yesterday with it tonight and watched my two brittle
stars lunge from their rock hiding places in full light and scramble across
the sand to get everything that the coral didn't. The worms never had a
chance. As someone who has raised saltwater fish for over thirty years,
I had low expectations. It was, after all, a sampler I thought... I was awed by the quantity of product in the packages...
Now all I want to do is order the items that I didn't select the first time
around, along with some of those that I did. I will be placing another order
in the near future. I will never hesitate to purchase from IPSF. Thank you
for a great product. P.S. The happiest yellow tang
that I have ever owned became a lot happier when the Tang Heaven red hit
the tank. Now I have to convince him to eat the other food too."
Frank Lisak, Pittsburgh, PA, 2/07/02
have ordered from you guys before and I was extremely impressed. My office
tank is unbelievably healthy. I'd like the same treatment for
my show tank at home." Ethan Tsai, Boulder, CO, 2/7/02
Gerald; As always I'm impressed. THANKS."
Ron L. Knochel, Washington, PA, 1/30/02
always been extremely pleased with your service and products,
thanks in advance for my order." Shawn Williams Odessa, TX , 1/30/02
"Aloha Gerald, everything arrived in fine shape...I
appreciate your packing and labeling efforts... All the best."
Pete Susca, Wethersfield, CT,1/29/02
I have heard a lot about you guys and it's all good." Sanjib
Dinda, Jamaica, NY, 1/24/02
received my 9 for $99 Mix and Match yesterday. WOW! I could not believe
how everything was so plentiful, colorful and lively. I just
would like to say thanks! I have never ordered from any online service before.
The reason I picked your site is that I just felt so comfortable after reading
all of your positive feedback. Your staff hand held me throughout the whole
transaction from ordering and questions to FEDEX tracking." Lance Evans,
Magnolia NJ, 1/17/02
the first order worked out so well that I am ordering another Mix and Match
special to stock my refugium! Thanks again!" Jaye Armstrong
Plano, TX, 1/16/02
"I received
it this morning. Thank You! Beautiful specimens." Lyle Anderson,
Chappaqua, NY, 1/11/02
"I would like to order my fourth Mix and Match
special. Thanks for your great service." Mike Nassenstein,
Grovetown, GA, 1/08/02
"I have received the order and everything
looks wonderful! The Live Sand Activator and WonderMud were particularly
amazing. There's a lot of animals in there!" Jonathan L
Bertoni, Fremont, CA, 01/04/02
a note to let you know that the last mix and match special I received over
a year ago was excellent. The Strombus Grazers reproduced in my refugium
almost immediately, they multiplied from 6 to well over 30. Six
months after adding the order to my tank I discovered juvenile Trocus Grazers
in my sump; I counted over 2 dozen of them cleaning the glass. Even the
young ones are cleaning machines.The Trocus Grazers
have to be the best snails on the market. I am waiting for the
Sea Bunnies and Spaghetti Worms to come back in stock. I am considering
the mini-stars for my next order because there is no room left on this order.
Thanks." Peyton R. Donald, Fayetteville, NC, 12/29/01
"Gerald- Just wanted to say thanks for the
order that was shipped out last month. The yellow tangs loved the Tang Heaven
and the snails have since laid eggs (I've counted about 66 eggs in those
pouches). Thanks for your excellent products." Gary Yip,
Castro Valley, CA, 12/28/01
received my shipment right on time as promised, and talk about diversity.
I ordered the 9 for $99 deal with two supersizes and couldn't be happier.
The snails and hermits are wonderful and went right to work. The bristle
worms dove right in and are working hard on the sandbed. The clams are very
neat to watch as they move by the one foot. The Live Sand Activator package
is well worth the money. I used a magnifying glass on it and there was tons
of life in it. Also, all kinds of extra stuff in
every bag I received. Above all, their
customer service receives an A+++. Thank you IPSF." 12/13/01
Dave Downing, Brea, CA, 12/13/01
Gerald, I'm back again to order more." Anthony Wong, Irvine,
CA, 12/13/01
"Heard a lot of
good things about IPSF on several reef discussion boards. Thought
I'd put in the following order. James Washburn, Indianapolis, IN, 12/12/01
"I received my 9 for $99.95 order today in excellent
condition. No loss whatsoever. All the hype you print on your web page is
not just hype, it's fact. This is just the bio-diversity I wanted
for my reef tank. And thanks for the extras. There were extra clams, snails,
bristle worms and 'pods. You are now on my short list of vendors to recommend
every chance I get. Thanks again." Will Steuer , Mishicot, WI, 12/06/01
"Hello again.
Once more I would like to replenish my sand beds with your (top notch) kits."
Michael O'Brien, Sumner, WA, 12/1/01
wanted to let you now that in the 8 months since I received my order my
Strombus Grazer population has exploded from 6 to about 50. I
am guessing I have about 3 generations living right now. I hope to order
another 9 for $99 special soon. Thanx." Jonathan Pac, Lutherville,
MD, 11/27/01
"Glad to report
that the 9 for $99 worked out great. After 5 weeks, results are astounding.
I am surprised at how my emphasis has shifted to looking at the reef tank
as not a fish habitat, but a more diverse, complete eco-system. Thanks !"
Jim Morton, Walnut Creek, CA, 11/26/01
"I received my order today right on schedule per Fedex
and I am very pleased with your service and my
purchase. I recieved everything I ordered and more. Thank you
for the extra 'pods and bristle worms. The Wondermud was full of life as
was the Live Sand Activator. I couldn't be more pleased with your service.
I will order again soon. Best regards, Galen Thomas, Nederland, TX, 11/14/01
"Hi Gerald, I received the order on Friday - excellent
as usual, I put it into my new 30 Gallon refugium and can't believe the
life that has been introduced - I'm going to let it all settle
down for a couple of weeks, but I'll be back again soon for some more of
your excellent products. Many thanks." Steve Illingworth, Belmont CA,
"Hello - I know I've thanked you
over and over again, but just one more time! The
detritivore kit you sent me last May has literally stocked my tank. First,
the Strombus snails started breeding, I've traded out maybe 90 from the
six I got originally. They're on their third generation in several tanks
now, across the country. Now, my first round of dime sized baby Turbo snails
is awaiting trading... I feel like I hit some kind of reef jackpot. In every
trade, I mention where I got the parents. Least I can do. So, for what it's
worth, THANK YOU FOR THE BEAUTIFUL TANK! Charlotte Hanks, Boston MA, 11/11/01
"A friend of mine (Dave Bayne)
has ordered from you a couple of times. After seeing
all the life in his tank I just have to place an order." George
Rissmann, Wildwood, MO, 11/09/01
"Gerald, Thanks so much. You
guys still have the best service anywhere, and I am so glad you were able to customize my order for
what I needed. I said I had a problem (even though I was wrong) and you
fixed it immediately. Whenever I need stuff that you sell, I will buy it
from you. I am going to reefs.org right now to post about how great you
are. Thanks again, Richard Ross, Alameda, CA, 11/02/01
"Everything arrived in perfect shape." Rhonda Millstone, Phoenix, AZ, 11/02/01
"You guys are fabulous! I received my 2nd order from
IPSF and everything arrived in great shape. Your
packaging is incredible. I will be placing more orders in the future for
sure!" Tom Dietrich, West Lawn, PA, 11/01/01
bought a Reef Tank Tuneup from you just a month ago. The
strombus snails are already reproducing in my new tank! I was
cleaning my tank glass tonight and almost scraped the egg sac off the glass.
I look forward to watching them grow. Thanks very much. Everything
you said they were and more. Way to go IPSF. Will recommend you to others."
Clint Hunt, Springfield, MO, 10/27/01
"I appreciate it very much that you were able to accommodate
my needs; your company has been the best so far compared
to my experiences from other companies in the past." Del Armstrong,
Lake Elsinore, CA, 10/17/01
just want to thank you again. I have never seen customer service via e-mail
as efficient as this. IPSF is definitely A+ in my book. Everything looked
beautiful and there was much more per bag than I imagined." Brian
Davis, Tomball, TX, 10/12/01
"Hello again- I'd like to place another order,
I loved your first order so much, I needed to get more for my other tank."
Marie Kelly, Millersville, PA, 10/02/01.
"Hello Gerald, Just wanted to e-mail you to let you
know my package arrived safely today. I've
got to tell you, I'm SO IMPRESSED with that WonderMud. My gosh, there are
so many different worms and things in that stuff! I'm glad I
ordered some extra! Even the Live Sand Activator had a couple tiny worms
and things in it. Thanks again for your prompt shipment and terrific customer
service. Warmest Regards, Tom Dietric." 9/26/01
"I received my order on Friday. It was great. Packed extremely well,
all critters alive and kicking. Thanks for the attention to detail, and
for the excellent shipping details..." Chris Kovaly, Dillsburg, PA,
"I have to say,
this is the first time I have ordered mail order and everything that people
have said on the net about your company has been dead on. It
has been a pleasure doing business with you! You've got my business and
I plan on spreading the word. Thanks!" Chuck Timmers, West St Paul
MN, 9/20/01
"Got the MiniStars in perfect
yesterday! They quickly settled into the sand bed and started stirrin'!
Thanks for taking care of that for me. Also,
just wanted to let you know, the lime green leather is outstanding! It has
doubled in height in the one week that I've had it. I've never seen a leather
grow so fast!!! The gold crown is doing great, too. It had its polyps fully
extended within five minutes of being put in the tank. I'm totally pleased
with the coral frags! Thanks again." Heath Martin, Glasgow, KY, 9/20/01
"Gerald, That is awesome service! Thank you very much,
I will be a lifetime customer." John McCoy, Overland Park,
KS, 9/17/01
"Gerald, Excellent,
I look forward to the new additions. I really want to thank you as well for your work towards
saving the reefs and making this hobby an ethical and sustainable one!"
John McCoy, Overland Park, KS, 9/06/01
for the bugs! A few weeks ago I received your Amphipod Breeding Kit.....
they are doing great! I've got bugs every where." Al Nuckols, Floyd,VA, 8/30/01
"Dear Gerald: On August 13, 2001, I ordered 12 Strombus
grazers from you. I was thrilled with the quality of packaging and obvious
care taken to get my order safely to my house.
The grazers have been in my 55 gallon reef
tank for 10 days and I have already noticed four egg sacks with approx.
five baby eggs in each attached to the glass behind a powerhead. My whole
neighborhood has been in my house checking these little guys out!
I am really excited about having the Strombus Grazers
breed in my tank. Michael Dube, Manchester,
NH, 8/27/01
"Just a note
to let you know that I have received my order. The
shipment was well packed, arrived in perfect condition and on time. All
the critters are in good shape and look healthy. I noticed that your company
sent more than I ordered on most items. Thank you!
I am looking forward to doing business with you again in the future. Sincerely,
Carole de Ibern, Largo FL, 8/23/01
Gerald, I would like to place an order for a mix-n-match with 2 supersizes.
I think this is my fifth order with you guys. Your
products are excellent, and it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to support
a sustainable captive breeding enterprise." Dan Lee, Santa Clara, CA,
"I received my Mix & Match yesterday as promised w/Supersize.
Everything is fine... this is my second order... and I intend to keep working
with you. Thank you." Jerry Hughes,
Ft. Wayne, IN, 8/16/01
9 for 99 was a great deal and I love all the critters. Everything looked
great. It looks like I will be a repeat
customer." Justin Wiley, New Orleans, LA, 8/12/01
"Thanks. I got my order and everything was live and healthy.
You do a wonderful job." Peg Evans,
Kirkland, WA, 8/12/01
Gerald, Just wanted to say thank you. I have had everything in my tank for
10 or 11 days now and everything is doing great. My hair algae is almost
completely gone. The snails are awesome. All are cleaning everything."
John Friend, Washington, MO, 8/06/01
"The Live Sand Activator you sent us about eight months
ago did wonders for our 75 gallon reef tank.
I was just starting out back then so it sure
did help to have a place like IPSF to give us the head start I needed. The
polychaetes have done a great job for my sand bed and are loads of fun to
watch. The Amphipods provide great live food for my animals, and all of
the species of snails are doing excellent. I even gave four Strombus Grazers
to my old history teacher's mini-reef and sure enough they reproduced within
a month. His tank now has tons of those guys! Same with my tank! Ever since
we got those snails and your MicroHermits we haven't had a single algae
problem. Not to mention the coralline algae all over our live rock from
your Booster Frags. The Coral Heaven has been great for all of my corals,which
really make my tank shine. If it weren't for IPSF, it wouldn't have been
half the tank it is today. I've seen
just about every livestock site out there on the Internet, and not a single
one compares to IPSF. Thank you so much for your great service! Jamie Deal, Norfolk, VA, 8/01/01
"Hi Gerald,
I was very pleased with my first order and I'm on my 2nd [Mix 'n Match]."
LaRae Eisele, Farmington, MN , 8/01/01
"Thank you for a great product, I ordered the 9 for
$99 for my reef tank.. It is a great way to kick start a reef.
I would like to order another 9 for $99 for my refuge. Gregory Linton, Crownsville,
MD, 7/25/01
"I am very impressed
with your webpage and products. Always glad to support captive
propagation. Here's my 9 for 99 order." Justin Wiley, New Orleans,
LA, 7/19/01
"Gerald: Products
arrived even earlier than last shipment...wow you guys amaze me, so consistent,
wonderful USEFUL animals and fauna...and it seems like you guys always "count" in favor of the customer
when it comes to ordering 6 of something and getting a "bakers dozen"
of 8 !! Thanks so much and I am sure I will be back and Will tell
all "newcomers" on the lists...if they haven't heard of you all...they
will Now!" Gene Murphy, Midland, MI, 7/13/01
"Aloha Gerald, Once again, you guys are awesome.
Please send [another order of Tang Heaven]..." Dave Harrison,
Toluca Lake, CA, 7/12/01
I would like to order a second mix and match package. I won't need any Strombus
Grazers, as I now have around 30 egg sacs and over a hundred eggs ready
to hatch! All from my original 6 specimens from ipsf. I also
won't need any Reef Amphipods, as I now have hundreds in my tank from my
original order. Your 9 for 99 really made my tank come alive." David
Isaac Anthony, NM, 7/08/01
"I got the order today. This is my third order with you
and once again I am very happy. Thanks!!!" Justin Phillips,
Alameda, CA, 6/29/01
"My original
Reef Tune-up kit has been doing a great job over the last year. I love those
Trocus snails and had various Strombus Grazer hatchlings throughout the
year. This new order is to restock my tank (snails) and seed
(worms, amphipods, mud, and activator) my 40G gravity fed refugium with
6" deep sand bed." Frank Soria, Austin TX 6/29/01
"Just received my "critters"...and the care
and individual packing are wonderful in a time when some companies forget
what "Customer Satisfaction" is all about! Could not be more pleased
with the variety and condition of these wonders of nature. Just for others out there: At first I thought some of my
animals were dead, no movement of any kind even under close magnification...But
if one just follows the advice given on the web site as regards acclimation...sure
enough after proper procedures and getting over the ph shock from the plane
ride...lol...when put into the tank with all the current on and only a Moon
light on for ilumination , I saw everything come alive and start to head
for the rocks or sand... Well DONE!...you
have me for a customer. Great AS ADVERTISED ANIMALS!!! Respectfully, Gene Murphy, Midland, MI 6/22/01
"Hi Gerald, Thanks for the shipment. It arrived today
in perfect condition... I was very pleased with my first 9 for
99 a year ago, but this one was even better. It contained very generous
quantities of every selection, and I like the leathers that I added to the
order. Nice to have a livestock vendor that is
so responsive and reliable! Best regards, Mike Imbler, Wichita,
KS, 6/22/01
"Hey Gerald, Just wanted
to take a minute and say thanks, thanks
for another fine shipment from IPSF. It is good to know that you can order
stuff over the internet with confidence, as long as it's from IPSF."
Todd Luedeke, Westfield, IN, 6/21/01
"Hello! I received your detritivore kit about a month
ago, and I'm writing to thank you all over again. I am utterly amazed at
how everything has populated my tank. I can sit and watch the critters for
hours - they've grown and bred at an explosive rate! The 6 baby
bristleworms are now 4" long or so and they've bred like mad. The amphipods
are all over the glass, up from maybe 20 of them that I dumped in last month.
Some of the snails - originally about the size of a dime - are now the size
of ping pong balls! I'm not kidding! The anthelia
polyps are beautiful, the caulerpa is growing like wildfire, and the Live
Sand Activator in combination with the WonderMud has made my sandbed crawling
with life. I've not lost a single snail... They're even laying
eggs. It probably helps that my tank has no fish, creatures like the pods
can really explode in numbers. Regardless, count
me in as another wholly satisfied customer, both from the quality of service
and from the quality of your products. Thanks a million all over
again from my tank! :)" Charlotte Hanks, Cambridge, MA, 6/16/01
"Just a quick note to thank you. My order of 9 for 99 arrived in perfect condition here
in St. Louis. Arrival time was 10:30 on the button. Everything is alive
and well. You do great work!" Dave
Bayne, St. Louis, MO, 6/14/01
"I would like to
thank you for your helpful correspondence about my shipment. I
ordered a shipment from you as well as some other things from one of the
large internet aquarium distributors, and I can't tell you how much easier
dealing with Indo-Pacific has been... by the way the packing
I am very pleased with. Keep up the good work. Thanks, Ian Harvey (satisfied
customer), Downey, CA, 6/6/01
I just want to say what a great package you sent me, everything was full
of life and such a great packing job! I
especially love the Leather Corals you sent me and they are already opened
up in the first hour... Bristle worms are just a digging in that Sand and
stirring it up, I tell you I will be ordering a lot more from you and I
love the fast service you have giving to me as well! I am building a site
soon and I sure will be adding you to my site as #1 place on the net to
order Starter Packages! Yall keep up the great work and continue to make
a lot of folks Happy! Mahalo and Aloha there in Hawaii! Dave Dobrovich,
Las Vegas NV, 6/2/01
thanks for your knowledgeable site! Quite a breath of fresh air from the
many m/o outfits and their misidentifications, etc." Henry
O'Briant, Monck's Corner, SC, 5/28/01
"The snails I have purchased
from you have almost completely eaten the algae in my tank. I currently have: 6 nerite,
6 micro hermits, 6 baby trocus, 6 baby turbo, 6 adult strombus. The amphipods
and other sand creatures are amazingly active". Ed Grzybowski, Allendale,
NJ, 5/28/01
"Gerald - I wanted to thank you for the incredible
order I received this morning. I was impressed with everything you sent
me and thanks to your efforts my refugium is up and running . . . I
cannot wait to watch the progress! I cannot thank you enough for the order
. . . you're one of the best out there - keep up your invaluable research
and I will continue to use your products. Best Wishes, Christopher Houghtaling
M.D., Ph.D, Boston, MA, 5/25/01
"I have had the pleasure of ordering from IPSF. This is
a first rate organization. I have utilized
their live sand activator kit to kick start a new tank. It worked wonderfully.
I have ordered their mix and match and can say all items arrived safe and
ready to lunch on my algae growth. I have recently added another order of
live sand activator to boost my tanks efficiency's. I would recommend this
organization to anyone." Edward J. Grzybowski, Allendale, NJ, 5/24/01
"thanx a million for the great customer service...:)"
Lucio Andrade, Long Beach, CA, 5/24/01
"I just received my 9 for 99 deal upsized with the
2 leather corals.WONDERFUL stuff. Everything
came triple-bagged, completely alive and in great shape. The 2 leathers
were extending within an hour of being placed into the tank. The LSA and Wonder Mud were just crawling with life. My girlfriend is even excited about this tank now!
Great stuff! I
will order from you guys again and again. Thank you!" Robert M. Grimwade,
University Heights, OH, 5/17/01
"Thank You very much, You
guys are great and I have really been happy with my previous orders."
Alicia Honn, Sonoma, CA 5/12/01
shipment kicked ass! Just wanted to say thanks.." Jeff Baxter, Marietta, GA, 5/11/01
"Thanks for the fantastic package of SurfZone
Live Sand Activator Plus! What a great looking set of products. My
new reef tank looks amazing with all these critters running around... I'm
very pleased with the amount of life this package comes with. I highly recommend
this package to anyone starting a reef tank or wanting to add diversity
to an existing reef tank or refugium. Outstanding
stuff! I can't wait to get more of your products for my tanks! Thanks
a million to you, Gerald, and to your staff!" Jeffrey Sondin-Kung San
Rafael, CA, 5/7/01
everything arrived in good order, is acclimated and in the tank. Great stuff,
count me a very happy customer, thanks." Steven
Snare, Glen Allen, VA, 5/4/01
"You have a great reputation
on the web. That is somewhat unusual for 'live' shippers." John
Delery, Fayetteville, AR, 4/30/01
guys were absolutely fabulous last order - I couldn't have asked for a better
batch. I've set up a second tank and need
your magic again, so I'm requesting another mix and match special. Thanks
again and keep up the good worlk." David Harrison, Toluca Lake, CA
"Your package
arrived on time and in great shape.The Strombus snails promptly laid 6 egg
masses (each mass containing 6-8 eggs) after their first night in Texas!"
Mark Fisher, Austin, TX, 4/16/01
received my order today. I would like to
thank you for such a wonderful order experience! I
received the product on time, everything is alive, and wow-- the specimens
are as described... Thanks for an awesome
product and great service. I really appreciated
the constant shipment updates/notifications. Great work! Keep up the excellent
service!" Victor Lee, Irvine, CA 4/13/01
there, Our package arrived this morning promptly.
All of the critters seem to be adjusting wonderfully. Thanks for the excellent
packaging, we will definitely deal with you again." Laura
Scholes, San Diego, CA 4/06/01
for helping me save my 125 gallon reef tank. By
way of revitalizing 2+ year old 3-inch sand bed with plentum. Already have
about twenty strombus egg (sacks) on the glass. 9
for 99 is the best deal known to man! Well,
mans reef tank. Thanks again." Tim Powley, Torrance CA, 3/31/01
"hello gerald, received the super size order in perfect
shape! it really was super sized! again, for the 5th time your company is
the best. thank you. regards," robert oba, Saratoga, CA,
"Everything arrived this morning. MORE than
I expected. Everything is in the tank and doing great!! Thank you. After two orders, my 90
gallon tank looks better than I could have ever expected." Bill Oliver, Jr., Wilmington, DE, 3/29/01
"Gerald: It was
a true pleasure speaking to you. Thanks for all your help. Now I know why
I hear so many great things about you and IPSF. I would like
to order a SuperSized Mix 'n Match Special." Susan Candelario, Secaucus,
NJ, 3/22/01
"I look forward
to my second Mix 'n Match Special order. I
moved my 45 gallon to my 90 gallon and need more of your great products.
My first order was fantastic. The Tang Heaven
was extremely popular with everything in the tank. Thank
you from a new saltwater hobbiest after 20 years with freshwater."
Bill Oliver, Wilmington, DE, 3/21/01
an order for my 3rd Mix and Match Special! I've been very impressed with
your customer service and the quality of your products, they've been a real
asset to all my reef & marine aquariums. I've been especially
pleased with the hardiness of the micro-hermits and the clean-up/food source
activities of the amphipods. Matthew Wolter, Minneapolis, MN,3/17/01
"Received, very impressive, thanks." Steve Illingworth, Belmont, CA, 3/16/01
"I just received my shipment today. Everything
really looks great! Thank You," Nick Gialias, Philadelphia,
PA, 3/14/01
"Hi Gerald, Just
wanted to tell you how pleased I am with my latest order. The gold and green leathers opened as soon as my lights
came on and the snails and micro hermits were (and still are) busy cleaning
up my tank. Once again I rate you AAA+." Pat Callahan, Lake Havasu,
AZ, 03/01/01
"I can't
thank you enough for your customer service! 1
week after shipment, everything is doing great! The diversity
in my tank is unbelievable. I highly recommend IPSF to anyone I talk to!
Thanks for everything Gerald!" Jim Miller , Pittsburgh, PA, 03/01/01
"Hi, My first Mix 'n Match order was great! Here is
my second order. Please send to the same address as my first
order." Pin-Hsien Chang, Bellevue, WA, 02/28/01
"It is here and everything looks great. There
was a lot more than I expected, I had to
give some of the Tang Heaven to a friend, even after I put it in the tank
and sump.The leathers look great and everything loves the Coral Heaven.
Thank you." Jeremiah Jacobs, Charleston, SC, 02/25/01
"Everything arrived beautifully and happily - scattering
around my tank as we speak. Those amphipods
are huge! Thanks again." Brian
Gilmore, Brookline, MA, 2/23/01
received my order and everything looks and
is doing great. This is my 3rd 9 for $99 order and I've been very happy
each time. Keep up the great work. Leon
Johnson, Douglasville, GA, 02/23/01
had Tang Heaven for about a month now and indeed tangs really do love it." Michael Singer, Troy, Michigan, 02/22/01
"I have read about this product and have also read
all of the glowing praise your site has received. Needless
to say, I'm very excited to try out the Live Sand Activator. Thanks!"
Russ Brucks, Tulsa, OK, 02/20/01
"Would like to
order the Mix 'n Match Special.... thank you again
for working w/ your fine company this is my 5th order since last spring
!!!!!!! wow." Bob Whilleson, Gloucester City, NJ, 02/11/01
"Hello I would like to order another Tang Heaven Commercial
pack. I recently
moved and I am grateful that my tangs got to scarf down some Heaven before
the stressful drive. My two Purple Tangs
ate the last bunch they had in a week. They love it and they are always
stuffed. Whoo Hoo! They thank you." Michelle
Graham, Topeka, KS, 02/08/01
Red Tang Heaven is growing wonderfully in a ten gallon unheated tank with a large bubble wand
and fluorescent hood light on 24/7. Tangs love it, of course." Linda
Kuehn, Las Vegas, NV 02/05/0
job, guys! Everything arrived alive and
I noticed you even threw in an extra of everything.
The packing was superb, even two days later the heat packs were still warm! It
was good doing business with you." Lee Starr, Newport, NC, 02/03/01
"...We need some
more Tang Heaven. I wanted to let you know that our Yellow Tangs
were suffering from some serious dorsal fin degeneration...probably from
lack of nutrients. Things were not looking well. As
soon as we got our order of Tang Heaven Red they tore right into it. Amazingly,
within three weeks their fins were completely regenerated. It
looks like they were never diseased at all. Forget bottled chemicals and
medicines...this stuff is a wonder drug....nature's BEST MEDICINE!"
Jason Larson, Muskingum College, New Concord, OH, 02/02/01
"Please ship one Mix-N-Match Special (loved the last
one so I'm going to do it again!). Last week's arrived in great shape. Unbelievable! Snow
on the ground here and very cold!!! Teri Yarnell, Lancaster, PA, 01/27/01
"Hi Gerald, I just received my package and I
must say you guys are the greatest."
Binh Phi, San Francisco, CA, 01/25/01
for the great service. Everything arrived in perfect condition. I can't
wait until my next order." Robert
Smar, Boca Raton, Fl., 01/19/01
got great stuff! Thanks for your assistance."
Matthew Wolter, Minneapolis, MN, 01/15/01
"Thank you for all the advice you have given me. I
am so excited, I just can't wait to get my stuff." Binh Phi, San Francisco, CA, 01/15/01
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! Would you believe
I've been looking for what you have for over 6 months? My local
pet stores can't find these plants at all. You're wonderful :) I would very
much like to order the Hawaiian Macro Algae 6-Pack Special." Melissa
Townsend, Sandy, UT, 01/13/01
newest reef tank has been set up for a little more than a year, and the sandbed is literally crawling with life! Thanks for
the great products and for the advice you gave!" Benjamin
Scott, Galveston, TX, 01/09/01
I got my order this morning and it was amazing. Everything I asked for and
so much more! (I know, I sound like one of those customer quotes on your
web site) The packing was the best I've seen and everything seemed happy.
The Trocus snails started mowing algae on the glass immediately
and the hermits are scrambling all over the rock. I
couldn't be happier." Regards, Matt Peterson, Provo, UT,
"Gerald...Thanks again
for providing great products at great prices!"
Sincerely, Kevin Miske, Chicago, IL, 01/04/01
please Supersize my order! Thanks, you are still
the best place to order from!" Richard Ross, Alameda, CA,
"I got my order from you guys yesterday, you have definitely lived up to your reputation...
Thanx and keep up the good work." Rocky Herrman,
Pt. Charlotte, FL, 12/29/00
I would like to order the Tang Heaven Commercial Pack... my Naso Tang gobbled
up the last bunch I ordered!" Evan Lewis, Fremont, CA, 12/26/00
"This is now the third time I have ordered from you.
And both of the previous times I ordered from IPSF, I was extremely pleased
(as was my Purple Tang who is waiting expectantly
for more Tang Heaven). Thank you" Tracy Jackson, Houston, TX, 12/12/00
"Gerald, we received the order on Friday and everything
arrived in great shape. Thank you so much
for all of your help. My mom just ordered the Soft Coral 12-Pack from you
and is very excited about it." Lisa Walters, Apopka, FL, 12/4/00
you for the shipment, the lengths which you go
to to package these animals is the most professional I have seen."
Kurt Ameringer, Atlanta, GA, 11/23/00.
"Aloha Gerald, I just finished unpacking all the stuff
you sent me. Wow!!!
Awesome critters. So many living creatures. Everything
looks good. All the Strombus snails are going around my tank like crazy. Is unbelievable. I will definitely do business again with you and thanks
for the extra items. I'll put a good word for you on all the reef forums
and clubs I belong to. GREAT
JOB!!" Gus Quant, Danville, CA, 11/17/00
"Gerald... ALOHA, and how things are going? The Strombus Snails, well, I can't even count how much
I have now. I just kick back and watch them grow. Actually, now, I'm in
the process of auctioning some of them off at eBay. Most
of the e-mails I've been getting are asking for mainly the adults which
I know will sell off very quick." Errol Nevalasca, Vacaville, CA 11/16/00
"Got the order
in great shape... the best packaging in the business." Robert
K. Oba, Saratoga, CA, 11/13/00
"hi, i ordered a year and a half ago, and what great stuff!
i wanted to let you know that not only do the strombus reproduce, the trochus
grazers do too! i have about 20-25 now." Sole
Marittimi, New York, NY, 11/7/00
"Aloha Gerald, Received our SurfZone and Reef Tuneup Kits today...
it was like Christmas morning, drinking coffee, waiting for the Fedex Truck.
I felt like a kid again, opening a big surprise
package, only to find I got more than I wished for.... with a great feeling
of adding super health and a little of Hawaii to our reef tank. Thank
you so much and Aloha. Mary Snyder-Neihoff, Nashville, TN, 11/3/00
"Hi, Heard so many recommendations and referrals from
Reef Central message board. Now is my turn
to give it a try... Mix 'n Match Special." Tong Wong, San Francisco,
CA, 10/31/00
"I got an
order from IPSF on Friday and man am I havin fun! There is sooo many cool
things in my tank now. I was a bit disappointed with the amount
of life on the Live Rock from Flying Fish Express (Fiji)- it has good coralline
coverage and a ton of macro algae (too much I think- anything besides a
tang that will graze on this stuff?) but not much in the way of pods/worms/or
other stuff. Well, after the 9 for $99 order from
IPSF, this has all changed! Pods galore, a total of about 28
snails (received extras of all species at no cost!) a few micro-hermits,
worms (bristle and spaghetti), a frag of anthelia, some feather caulerpa,
and whatever is in their wonder mud and live sand activator.
I'm spending hours in front of my tank and there's nothing else in it yet!!!
I love this hobby!" Reefer, Belmont, CA, 10-30-2000 12:02
PM, ReefCentral UBB
"Gerald, Here we go again. Loved
everything so much last time that we just have to have more - Tang Heaven
and the Soft Coral 12-Pack!!! Amy Boyer,
Boise ID, 10/26/00
"Just wanted to let you know
everything arrived A- OK. Also wanted
to thank you for your book suggestions. I already had Bob Fenner's book
so I picked up John Tullock's. Great read - been up till 1:00 am every night
this week! I should have known you would be mentioned. You
run a very professional operation. This is not like dealing with the local
Petsmart! Thanks again !" Tim Stein, Akron, OH, 10/25/00
"I can't believe the incredible customer service!"
Linda Kuehn, Las Vegas, NV, 10/24/00
"Ohhhhhh Gerald, It has been
so much fun! My tank is a beehive, such industrious fellows.You were MORE
than generous in your distribution. More of everything than stated. What a great idea you
have... you supplied a lot of entertainment to my family & friends,
hope you had as great a day. By the way u said they would be here by noon
& they arrived in great shape @ 1150. Just more on the great service."
Marcy Everman, Salinas, CA, 10/21/00
I received my order right on time and let me tell you it was packed GREAT!!!
Now for the critters, they were beyond my expectations. They
were all ALIVE and ready to head for the sand.... As of this moment my son
has a flashlight looking in the tank and watching all the critters making
trails through the sand. Well better go he's asking more questions about
the sea stars! This was my first kit, next order will be the mini stars.Thanks
again," Mike Beck, Spring Vailley, CA, 10/13/00
"Hi Gerald, Thanks for all the great products that
you have shipped to me. It nice to finally see a company that not only completely
understands the marine environment, but also works to preserve it. Supplying the aquarist
the necessary information and products to not only have the animals survive
but thrive is unheard of in the industry and as a person that cares about
the animals I keep, I and they thank you for that." Nick Silberschlag,
Tucson, AZ, 10/13/00
"Gerald, Thanks for your extremely prompt reply, honesty
and friendliness. It really is nice to talk to a person like
yourself, I felt secure and happy about doing business with you. I will
recommend your place to all reefer my friends. Again, Aloha and Mahalos,"
Ed Nono, Tracy, CA, 10/9/00
"hi gerald, would like to place another order (my 4th!!!).
w/ your great company.....Mix n' Match."
Bob Whilleson, Gloucester City, NJ, 10/9/00
"Gerald Heslinga... great job.
Thank you for your prompt response to my order.
Everything arrived in perfect condition. All
the little critters are crawling about as if they have always been here.
As a former long time resident of the Islands (1955 - 1979) it feels as
if I now have a little of Hawaii back with me. Again, thank you very much,
and I look forward to doing more business with you in the near future. Robert
Johnson, Clearwater FL, 10/4/00
wanted to pass along some good feedback on the Coral Heaven sampler included in my order from a few months back. What
a kick it is to fill my trusty turkey baster and give my various SPS and
LPS denziens their weekly feast! I had no idea watching a coral "eat"
could be so interesting. My discosoma and
cynarnia's seem to be enjoying it the most, with both their expansion and
color intensity improving notably."
Peter Holstein, Chicago, IL, 10/2/00
Soft Coral 12-Pack is awesome -- great specimens! Actually, it
was more like a 14-pack. All of them arrived in good health and are flourishing.
Thanks again," Craig Hansen, Franklin, TN 9/29/00
"Thank you very much for the excellent way you took
care of me. I will let everyone know what
a great outfit you have." Jim Bell, Pagosa Springs, CO, 9/28/00
"IT ALL LOOKS FABULOUS!! I couldn't be happier with
everything....included the extra service that you put in on this....again,
I can't thank you enough. I am looking forward to doing business again with
you soon." Clint Sires, Slayton, MN, 9/28/00
"Everything I ordered last time is doing great, growing
and reproducing. Very exciting. I am trying
to get more tanks set up for my winter term class, so my students have lots
to look at. Thanks for all the great stuff and service." Lisa Bailey,
Greenfield, MA, 9/27/00
again, thank you for answering all my many questions (practically around
the clock!) and providing such quality products and service... I'm
extremely satisfied and plan to return for regular innoculations for my
sand bed. If I could just persuade my wife to get another aquarium, I'd
be back twice as often." Bob Wall, New York, NY, 9/15/00
"Got it, everything
looks great... Will order from you again!
Thanks," Paul Christopher, Arden, NC, 9/15/00
"Aloha everyone...
Like your Sea Bunnies.... I'm baa..ack ! How are you all ? Here's my next
order..." Robert L. Swift, Foster City, CA, 9/14/00
"Gerald, Hello again. Previously placed an
order back on 4/18/00 and was very pleased. Everything arrived alive and
is still going strong today! I would again like to order the
Mix and Match Special for $99.95 with the free Fedex shipping." Chris
Stanley, Coram, NY, 9/6/00
Sea Bunnies are the stars of our tank right now..." Best Regards, Rob Wagner New York City, 8/29/00
Hi Gerald, this is
my third order from your wonderful company.
I would like to place an order for the Mix 'n Match, the Live Sand Activator
and the ReefWorms Diversity Package." Bob Whilleson, Gloucester City,
NJ, 8/25/00
"Aloha Gerald, I would like to thank you for the way that
you handled my order. You guys promise a lot on your website, and I have
to admit I was a bit skeptical, but you
delivered even MORE than you promised. I
was impressed from the start, but held my excitement, but any doubts vanished
as soon as I got the order this morning.
It was packed excellently, delivered exactly
when it was supposed to be, and the quality of the animals was beyond fantastic.
You guys have a quality operation and it really shows.
I am a computer engineer, so I deal with internal
and external customers on a daily basis in my work. I know how important
customer service is... and until now I thought it was a dying art. You guys are the real thing when
it comes to keeping customers coming back. Give yourselves a hand... you
have made another return customer. I will defiantely order from you again!
Thanks again." R. Allen Dennis Moore, OK, 8/17/00
"Gerald, I can't believe how great you guys are to
work with! Thank you for your quick reply-- I didn't expect to
hear from you until tomorrow." Linda Kuehn, Las Vegas, NV, 8/13/00
"Just wanted to say thanks. I
have yet to find a business of any kind or size that has as good of customer
service as IPSF. I just got my order today
two reef tank tune-up kits and live sand activator. The snails and hermits
are hard at work already and I can't wait to see what creatures start growing.
I have been telling everyone in the reef hobby about your products and service
so you should be getting more orders from Nebraska. Thanks
again - keep up the high standards." Curt
Smith, North Platte, NE, 8/2/00
"My new tank is
coming up on 4 months old, and Thursday was my first water change. Went
to clean the foam pre-filter in the overflow, and after one look decided
not to. It was teeming with life! Mini-stars, amphipods
and numerous unidentified creepy-crawlies. A definite result of all the
great seed stock from IPSF!" Peter Holstein, Chicago, IL,
"What a great shipment!!!
You guys are the TOPS, everything looking
great. AGAIN THANKS, rob & john seaton, Pasadena, MD, 7/26/00
"I can't believe how much life was in the sand and
wonder mud- definitely
the best deal of it all!!!! Thanks again for making my sand in my new tank
once again move instead of just sit there." Dr. Tim Foster, Denham
Springs, LA, 7/21/00
used Coral Heaven for a month now and have noticed a vast improvement with
my corals. I like the stuff." Jim
Adams, Fayetteville, AK, Reefland UBB
posted 07-21-2000 10:09 PM more on coral heaven and coral feeding
"Gerald -- I KNOW I'm in trouble
when I have an IPSF line-item in my monthly budget that's roughly the size
of a car payment! ;-)" Craig Hansen, Franklin, TN, 7/20/00
"Thanks for the wonderfully healthy critters
& macroalgae, a great packing job, and plentiful quantities! Now if I could just figure out how to arrange a large
tank right in front of my face no matter where I go...it
would save me the carpet burn from kneeling
in front of my tanks for too long just to watch everybody!!! You have a
wonderful company & a VERY impressive background..." Debbi Edwards,
Garland, TX, 7/17/00 more
from Debbi
"Everything arrived
perfect and beautiful, as always!" Lorraine Carson, Mountain
View, CA, 7/14/00
"Dear Gerald, I have just acclimatized the shipment which
arrived about 11 AM, and I can't tell you how pleased I am! This shipment
was even better than my first order. You
must have received low grades in mathematics, because your counts of snails
and hermit crabs were all off, and all in my favor! And
some of those micro hermits looked more like macro hermits to me... Thanks
very much for the wonderful, personalized service. I look forward to my
next order from IPSF. Sincerely, Andrew Bloch, San Francisco, CA 7/14/00
"We received
our order today and are delighted. Packaging was excellent, everything
arrived in apparent good health, and the quantities were generous. Thanks
for the excellent service and product, we will purchase from you again!"
Regards, Mike Imbler, Wichita, KS, 7/7/00
"Just received my first order from IPSF. Great packing job, tremendous specimens, nice extra freebies.
Your site seems like it was built just for me -- I need some
of everything you sell!" Craig W. Hansen, Franklin, TN, 7/3/00
"Gerald, Thanks to
your Reef Tank Tune-up Crew, my original population of four Strombus snails
have exploded to more than sixty! They're laying eggs all over the glass
and I can't halt their reproduction! I
also noticed the Strombus grazing on red cyanobacteria slime algae - to
your knowledge, do they do that? If they don't, I simply don't know for
certain what else could have eradicated my cyanobacteria plague. I love
your products, and can't wait to setup the new tank so I can order from
IPSF!" David Sheh, Berkeley, CA, 7/3/00
"I ordered from IPSF and can only say good things.
I got the 9 for $99 deal to stock my refugium. Now it is swimming
(litterally) with life which consists of amphipods, tang heaven red, and
other little critters." Danny Aqua~Enthusiast, From: Reston, VA , Aqualink UBB, posted July 01, 2000 04:17 PM
"Gerald, I received my Reef Tank Tuneup and I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate the excellent
service. There were extras of every component in addition to
a free calurpa starter culture and Coral Heaven! Wow....I
was impressed! Thanks, Tim Manning, San Diego, CA, 6/29/00
"Gerald, I thought you'd like to hear this one...
I just received my Reef Tank Tune-Up order
on 6/22 - less than one week ago and I already have a batch of Strombus
eggs on my glass (5 egg sacks total). They
look exactly like the eggs seen on the page linked to your Strombus section.
This is so exciting! I'm looking forward to watching their development and
crossing my fingers that they'll shortly be climbing all over my tanks. Thanks for such great critters," Elizabeth M. Lukan, Fish 'N' Chips Web Site: http://petsforum.com/fishnchips/,
"...of course, my crazed fish have eaten through all the wonderful
MacroAlgae you sent last month... Face it, IPSF stuff is just
to yummy for them to leave alone long enough for it to grow!" Lorraine
Carson, Mountain View, CA, 6/25/00
you for the great products, my tangs are so happy: ). I'm
ordering the Tang Heaven Commercial Pack." Todd Troutman, Gilroy, CA,
is my 2nd order with you. I just received the Soft
Coral 12 pack and am once again amazed at the quality.
After 3 days, they are all doing great. By the way, I've been using
your Coral Heaven coral food for 3 weeks
now and my Frogspawn, Hammer and Bubble coral have nearly doubled in size,
and appear very healthy." Jim Adams, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 6/17/00
"Thanks, everything was great with my last order!
Beyond expectations."
Maria Dejesus & Emir Lopez, NYC, N.Y, 6/15/00
the way I got my first order and it was great
and I am trying to decide on which items to place in my next order. Keep
up the good work!!! Thank you." Dan Ross, Henderson, NV, 6/15/00
"Got your shipment
in today. WOW! Everything LOOKS GREAT. The diversity in the Live Sand Activator Plus. This Tune-up
Kit is Awesome also. I'm ready to place another order NOW for the Mix 'n
Match Special. Thanks." Emir Lopez, New York, NY, 6/8/00
"Gerald; Just dropping you a line to
let you know that the Soft
Coral 12 pack and Sea Bunnies are doing great. All arrived in
excellent condition... Great assortment of corals. IPSF
is at the top of my bookmarks." John Nichols, Lancaster,
SC, 6/2/00
"You guys are THE BEST!!!! My
husband and I are thrilled watching the growth of all the baby Strombus
snails that hatched right after the 9 for $99 I put in. And we were in stitches
last night watching one of the baby bristle worms try to get a brine shrimp
- bigger than he was - into his hole in the rock. He didn't succeed, but
we surely enjoyed the show! IPSF should
come with a warning - TOO MUCH FUN may result from adding your products
to peoples' tanks!!!" Lorraine Carson,
Santa Clara, CA, 6/1/00
"Gerald, the 9 for $99.95
stuff that I recently got is doing great -- the sandbed is bursting with
bugs! And... I'm now the proud mama of some baby Strombus snails
-- with a bunch more eggs on the glass. Dianne Freedman, Stansbury Park,
UT, 5/31/00
"Tang Heaven Red
was a huge hit with my tangs, they ate it all before it had a chance to grow! Colors
on my Powder Blue are now better than any other I've seen outside of wild
photographs." Todd Troutman, Gilroy, CA, 5/19/00
"I'm VERY impressed. I can't count how many times
I've already gone "wow, cool!" looking at the little creatures
that came with the Reef Amphipods, Wondermud, and Live Sand Activator. The
Ministars are really neat, too. The snails, hermits, etc., are all actively
exploring the tank, as well. I've even already witnessed one of the new
left-handed hermits jump shells(to a slightly larger shell that was already
in my tank). And my old left-handed hermit is busy examining one of the
new shells from the "shell upgrade." I'm
very happy with this order. The diversity of life, especially in the Wondermud,
is amazing. Thank you," Greg Legowski, Pittsburgh, PA, 5/18/00
"I am amazed at all the extra stuff I got. Everything
is alive and way cool. Thank you." Jim Adams, Fayetteville,
AR, 5/18/00
"It's been five days since I received the Mix
and Match Special. The Trocus snails are
awesome! They really polish the coralline algae.
One of the left handed hermits has changed shells three times and another
has molted. I believe the Anthelia polyps are starting to sprout new growth
at the base. Great packing job and many
extra critters. I
look forward to ordering from you again."
Sincerely, Alan Moorhouse, Salisbury, VT, 5/16/00
"I've ordered some items from you before and was extremely
pleased with both the service and quality,
and would like to place another order. I'd like the Mix 'n Match Special
with MiniStars." Arun Ramagopal, San Francisco, Ca, 5/13/00
"We just purchased and received your Reef Tank Tuneup
crew. They are doing great!!!! Thank you! We love them!! Along with them came the Coral Heaven...We are very happy
with your products and service and are looking forward to doing more buisness
with you. We have recomended the tank Tuneup to our friends. Thank you again..."
Patricia and Xavier Quevedo, San Antonio, TX, 5/4/00
"Gerald, You helped me set up my 37 gal. reef tank
a year and a half ago... I absolutely love this tank. Everything
that I have ever ordered from you has been incredible. I am ready to place another order..." Janet Hall,
"Aloha IPSF and Crew! Again
I venture into your realm of outstanding service and products.
The Trocus snails have all grown (1") and considered true to be the
algae warriors in my mini-reef." Errol Nevalasca Vacaville, CA, 4/26/00
"What a really cool website you guys have!"
Alison Reinbold-Carter, Puyallup, WA, 4/20/00
"I received my first order from you a few weeks ago
and I am really pleased." Lisa Bailey, Greenfield, MA, 4/20/00
"Hi Gerald: This
is my third time order from IPSF... I like to have one order
9 for $99.95 Mix 'n Match Special ! plus 25 MiniStars, free shipping!"
Roger Pan, Leawood, KS, 4/17/00
for reef tank tune up kit....everything is doing great! Now I would like to order mix 'n match special...plus ministars."
Bob Whilleson, Gloucester City, NJ 4/16/00
"Gerald, Just received my order, and I
am more than Pleased! Packing: Excellent, Quantity: Excellent (there's so
much in the Hawaiian Macroalgae Pak, I don't know what to do with it all!)
Value for Money: Excellent. The Ministars made
a beeline for the sand bed, and are happily doing their Ministar thing.
All I can say is keep up the good work, and I look forward to doing business
with you in the future." T. P. Althauser, San Francisco, CA, 4/14/00
"Thank you Gerald ... I've received the shipment,
and I must say it is absolutely gorgeous!
You are the best, and I will continue doing
business with your company. :-)." Satisfied customer, Nedra Youngblood,
Seattle, WA, 4/5/00
"I look
forward to placing my first order. I've
looked at many sites on the internet and your looks by far the best !!"
Mark Ferguson, North Kansas City, MO, 4/5/00
"Hi, I'd heard a lot about your company...just found
your website. You have more great stuff
than any I have found. Thanks so much for providing such a wonderful service
with your company." Lisa Bailey, Greenfield,
MA 3/24/00
"Thanks so much for everything. It was packaged beautifully...
I am so happy with the shipment. Thank you," Joyce Mahoney,
Quartz Hill, CA, 3/24/00
looks great and your packaging is the best I've ever seen. I bought some Caulerpa Taxifolia from [another mail order
company] a while ago and it came through in awful shape. I didn't know how
awful until I saw the stuff you sent - I paid $30 for the stuff they sent
and I had to eventually throw it away after it died and made a mess in my
sump.Thanks for everything and I will be ordering more." Bill Van Slyke,
Little Falls, NY, 3/24/00
"Gerald, Just wanted
to let you know that my package arrived at about 0900 this morning. Everything is in the tank and looks well. I really like
the micro hermits. They have been hard at work since I first
put them in the tank, not like my Scarlets, which are not nearly as much
fun to watch during the day. I may have to pick up a few more of these along
with some more Trochus in a few weeks. I also have some Astreas and Mexican
Turbos, but it seems the Trochus are more active.
It is really neat to see some of the small shrimps go flying by as they
go from one spot to the next... I look forward to seeing the growth and
multiplication of these animals in my new reef setup. Thanks! Duane Dennis,
Plano TX, 3/22/00
"Check out www.ipsf.com. They
have something called a "reef tune-up kit" for about 50 bucks.
Great deal if you ask me. The micro hermits
are great. Don't mess with anything. They stay small and are not a pest.
Good selection of snails. In one of the bags I even had a couple of mini-stars
catch a ride in my shipment. Damn things multiplied like crazy. I went from
about 3 to over 25. Work great! In all, I will order from them again. Good company. Good products. Shipment/packing
is good... Cheers! nazgul From: elk grove, ca usa, Aqualink UBB, posted 03-13-2000 07:25 PM
"You guys are
the real thing! Got my Reef Tune Up Kit today and things went
swimmingly. Gerald really surprised me when I got a call on my cell phone
as I was walking my dog to give me some important information about my order.
I'm compiling my order of 9 for $99 right now."
Jeff Hinkle, Santa Barbara, CA, 3/10/00 <<Jeff, that's
one smart dog you've got there!-GH>>
raise caulerpa and the tangs will eat it like we eat liver and they eat Tang Heaven like we eat steak." John Garner, Purcelleville, VA, Aqualink.com UBB, posted 03-09-2000 06:31 PM
Gerald, everything arrived perfect. This
is the first time I've delt with Fedex and it was neat how I could track
the progress. I'll tell everyone I know that I
loved the things you sent. thanks again Bob Keis, Mendota Heights,
MN, 3/2/00
"By the way, the last order
arrived in great shape and all are doing well today!!!! Thanks." Jody Reese, Logan, Utah, 2/27/00
"Hi, I just got a shipment from you, and love it.
I would like to place another order. This time I'd like the Reef
Tank Tuneup and MiniStars." Arun Ramagopal, San Francisco, CA, 2/23/00
"Gerald I got the tang
heaven wholesale pack today about 8:30am.
By 10:30 am. I had it in 4 of my clients tanks and when
they saw how their tangs and other fish loved it they all bought some. Like always my fish thank you again. thanks a lot once
again." Your Friend, Ken Sant, Kens Aquatic Discoveries, Detroit, Michigan,
"I am a reefkeeper
from Singapore. I am really fascinated with
your web site and am particularly interested in your Coral Heaven. Below are my order details.
I cannot wait to receive your shipment." Ng Chun Hong Thomas, Bedok
North Road, Singapore, 2/21/00
I received your shipment and everything worked out great. Thanks for the
Trocus snails, that was a great surprise!! It's
nice to see a company so committed to customer service! Thanks again." Michele Larson, Huntington Beach, CA,
"Hi, this is the first time I have ever
come to your site and I have found it very interesting and really
find it appealing the possibilities of growing my own food, etc. for my
reef aquarium. I must say that I am extremely
impressed with what I have seen so far." Mike Beadle Aberdeen
SD, 2/11/00
"The best snails
hands down are the Trocus snails that Gerald at Indo-Pacific Sea farms sells.
They are not cheap but they eat more then
any snail that I have ever seen. Beware of other places selling Trocus snails
they are not the same. These snails look very much like and Astrea snail
except they come to a very sharp point at the top." Snailman, Purcellville, VA, Aqualink.com UBB, posted 02/12/2000
06:53 AM
"Hi. Your site
is amazing and informative. Kirk Heitauer, Edmonton Alberta, 2/5/00
"Hi! I've ordered from IPSF 4 times. I love that place. Gerald has been very responsive by e-mail and phone. The
brittle stars are tiny little things that reproduce in your sand bet. You
usually won't see much of them, but I spotted them if I lifted up rocks
and looked underneath. I've ordered most everything off that page, but my
favorite purchase was one of those BomberMax clams. Also, the IPSF trochus
are my favorite snail for their sylishly good looks and dogged determination
to keep my tank algae free.Also also, I think the whole idea aquaculture
is just really cool!"-dan, foster city, CA, Aqualink.com UBB, posted 01-27-2000 02:05 PM
"I also ordered from IPSF. purchased the live sand
activator kit and a dozen trochus snails. Everything was packaged very well
and arrived in good shape.Funny thing is I split the order of trochus snails
with a friend and as luck would have it I experienced an amonia spike (alittle
while later) and every snail died! However there is a happy ending, the snails that my friend received spawned and I now have
over thirty trochus in my tank as well as probably over a hundred more in
his. Not too bad of an investment if you ask me!!! HTH,"
George, Pottstown, PA, Aqualink.com
UBB, posted 01-27-2000
07:12 PM
"I've gotten the
mini stars, mama mia (spaghetti) worms, bristle worms and trochus snails. The mini stars will come
very tiny - difficult to see at first. I got about 40 of them last summer
and now have hundreds and hundreds ranging from the size of a pin head to
about 3/4 inch. When I recently redid the
sand bed, I pulled all of the rock out into a tub - when I put it back in
there were hundreds in the bottom of the tub. They are very cool - you can
see them all flailing their arms when I feed, but I think they liked the
2-3 mm aragonite better than the sand thats in there now - more to hold
on to I guess. Gerald said he raises them in 2-3 mm aragonite. Now they
are mostly at the base of the rocks and on the rock.The
spaghetti worms are the red variety and reproduced like crazy too. I started with 6 and now have red hairs sticking up on
every square inch of bottom. Just give them a few months to get going.The
bristle worms are doing ok. They are not reproducing as much but are active
and constantly burrowing through the sand. They tend to hang out under the
rocks and sometimes come up on the rock.The
trochus snails are great too. They are nonstop cleaners, have a cool striped
body, and never need flipped. They do get
pretty big though. I am never getting Astrea again!Anyway, I do feed the
tank a lot, so I am sure this helps with the reproduction rates. It was
the funniest thing to watch an amphipod, a Spaghetti worm and a mini star
all fighting over a peice of food."-Dave,
Laurel, MD, Aqualink.com UBB, posted 01-27-2000 06:21 PM
"I've ordered from them before. I have nothing but
good things to say about them. I ordered the "Reef Tune-up Kit". Great deal.
I got it for my 20 gallon tank. I thought that it may be overkill, sent
a message before I bought, got a reply, and then purchased.The order came
with 12 extra micro hermits instead of the smaller snails. Places a quick
phone call, they sent them out that day via fed-x. The original order also
had some sort of micro algae in it. In that bag there where about 7 mini-starts
- which you mention. Great little beasties. Those 7 have since turned into
50+. Damn things are all over the place. I
swear they multiply faster than rabbits!The
stars stay pretty small. Sift the sand really well. Really don't see much
of them during the day, however, after lights out fire up the red light
and check them out. The largest one I have is over 2" tip to tip. All
the others are about 3/4" - 1" in size. Ipsf is a good company.
After my 100 gallon is plumbed I'll order another bag of stars and a tune
up kit. I really like them.Have a good one. You can't go wrong!" nazgul,
elk grove, CA, Aqualink.com UBB, posted
01-26-2000 09:42 PM
"I ordered their 9 for
99 deal and it came perfect in a small
Styrafoam cooler with heat packs inside, so i was impressed by the packaging!
I got some left handed hermits and I think they are the best. They are not
SMALL, but not TOO big and they work all the time. In addition to all the
other things I got (Livesand activator, wondermud, caulerpa, tang heaven
red, etc.) i got more in quantity than i
expected in practically each order. IPSF
is a pretty good company. Edward, Southern
MD, Aqualink.com UBB, posted 01-27-2000 07:06 AM
gerald, I don't know if you remember me, you probably meet a lot of people
in this business. I attended the garf seminar in oct., I was the only guy
there with long hair and piercings. We talked briefly about, what else,
corals. Anyway, I just got on-line and checked-out
your site. It was amazing, I want one of everything. I love the
idea of raising trocus and brittle stars, I've been seeing your ad in aquarium
fish mag. for months and could not wait to check out your site especially
after talking at garf. I didn't realize what a pioneer you are, and how
famous you are in this business. It was definitely an honor to meet you...
Thanks again for the great information off the site. Respectfully, Robert
T. Morrison, Eugene, Oregon, 1/18/00
placed an order from you in may, just wanted to let you know that everything
worked out great. the 5 strombus from the
reef tank tuneup have turned into at least 25 (and
these are the grown ones!!!)...they are wonderful and beautiful little snails.
the mini stars have also bred and i can find some just by stirring up the sand. it's
quite incredible. thanks for the great job!!!
sole marittimi,1/7/00
"I love the Strombus Grazers! I've got lots of Strombus babies now." Harold Patino,
Old Bridge, NJ, 1/6/00
heard great things about your stuff, now
I gotta try it!" Larry Quimby, Rochester, MN, 1/2/00
"It is so much more fun to watch things other than
humans clean the tank walls. You might want to get some trocus snails from
Gerald at Indo-Pacific Sea Farms (www.ipsf.com) as they
eat more algae then any kind of snail I have ever seen, bar none." Jon Garner, Aqualink
BB, 12/25/99, 04:29 PM
your guys are doing great in my tank. One
of the hermits even posed for a picture (see attached)." Ross Kuster,
like to say what a nice web site you have! Your company sounds great and
your philosophy is refreshing compared to the majority
of stores I have found. I look forward to doing business with
you." Glen Johnson, 12/15/99.
"I got my shipment today. Very
nice...everything seems to be doing great. The snails with the black shells,
are great cleaners!! Thanks for the prompt
shipment ...I'll be back for more!!! Thanks, Allen Bowie, Manassas, VA,
"I am very pleased with my order from you
guys! Everything arrived in very good condition... If it is Ok
with you I am going to post a recommendation in the reef NG. Again, thank
you and I am certainly going to order more from you in the future."
Richard L Bluford , Ocean Springs, MS, 12/2/99
the Mix-n-Match Special arrived today and is in the tank. The kids were soooo excited
as I was doing it that they were actually in
the way. There are so many kids crowded around it asking all kinds of questions.
I had to explain the roles of snails and crabs, what an amphipod is and
how it will hide so it doesn't get eaten, what the worms are for--etc. This
is really great! Thank you so much for the contribution. It is making a
difference already." Jason Webb, Littleton, CO, 11/23/99
"I just want to thank you for the beautiful
Algae and all the cool critters.Thanks to Online Tracking, I
was able to monitor when my shipment arrived and go home to settle the little
guys in. All varieties of Algae are vibrant with color. The beautiful shades
of green and red really brighten up my reef. All
the critters are active and happy as clams!!! I have been cycling
my tank with live rock for the last 6 weeks and this is the first real life
I have introduced. In about a week, I will start raising and breeding Seahorses
(I hope...) Thanks again," Cheryl Colburn, Indian Springs, AL, 11/18/99
"By the way, I was extremely
impressed with your packing job. I was
also impressed with my livestock." Steve Barrett, Shrewsbury, MA, 11/18/99
- As usual your stuff is great. I really like the Coral Heaven ... I tried
it the other day and it's really neat how all the particles just hover over
the coral for it to feed on. Anyone who raises
corals needs to have some type of coral food and this Coral Heaven is (in
my opinion) just the ticket. Really been looking for something
like this. Thanks again." James Baker, Eagle, ID, 11/15/99
"Gerald, Thoroughly
enjoyed talking with you at the GARF Coral Farming Seminar and you gave us so much knowledge about the coral farming industry
and enough ideas to last for a couple of years I think. Also, thanks for opening my eyes about biodiversity in
the aquarium and the micro-brittle stars." Keith Strickland 11/10/99
Gerald! You may remember me...I bought a Live Sand Activator kit and a few
other things from you a few weeks ago and barraged you with questions, which
you kindly answered. Just to let you know, the
sand in my 38 gal tank has completely come alive with the live sand activator
kit. Everything you sent me (and I found the order generous far beyond my
expectations!) has survived and flourished." Donna Malter,
Overland Park, KS, 11/11/99
a million! I really appreciate your time. You've already made a loyal customer and an avid supporter of Indo-
Pacific Farms." Paulette Clark, West Palm Beach, Fl, 11/4/99
"Thanks for the great transaction! My order was here
as promised (the fedex tracking was really cool), and the
'Mix & Match' Special was a great deal! Everything is fresh and your
packing job was very professional. The plants, Wondermud, & other critters have really
helped kick start my mini-reef! My existing fish are all excited and checking
out their new reef-mates! Thanks again (the shipping included was a big
plus)... I will order from you again when I get my bigger reef tank up and
going! Larry Valine, Sacramento, CA, 11/3/99
"Shipment arrived at 10 this morning
and is everything is thriving in their
new home. No losses. I am impressed with the packaging."
Ned Simpson, San Jose, CA, 11/3/99
"Hello Gerald! My package arrived today in
beautiful condition--incredibly well-packed
and the items exactly as described (if not better).
I counted close to 30 little stars! I took everyone home over (a long) lunch,
acclimated them and then sat mesmerized in front of the tanks as I watched
the little critters come to life. Closest I'll ever get to feeling like
God. Anyway, thanks so much for the stuff and for your assistance and patience."
Donna Malter, Overland Park, KS, 10/29/99
"I plan LOTS of orders and why wouldn't i - the stuff is great!!!!!!" Todd Luedeke,
Carmel, IN, 10/25/99
"Thank you
for the order, Everything arrived in great
condition, not to mention the additional
crabs & Snails I received, thank you again!" Steven Lord, Reno,
NV, 10/17/99
Howdy Gerald, Everything
was in perfect order, and not one species (visible to my eye)
was harmed, damaged, or dead. Thank you much for the Trocus Grazers - I
believe they'll be my favorite since they're so awesome to look at! Furthermore, the Wondermud is by far the best thing I put in the tank.
Like all the other posters on your website, you all definitely exceeded
my expectations! I'll be ready to do more business soon..until then my thanks for the fantastic products and service.
Daniel Urbina, Austin, TX, 10/13/99
am very impressed with the rock. The colors
and shapes are super." Ed Bunch, Manor,
TX, 10/9/99
"I admire your work in developing tridacnid
mariculture and compliment your savy in carving out an important
new niche -- "infrastructure" critters to complement captive-bred
corals and live rock." Mike Dupre, Spring, TX 10/1/99
"I recently purchased LSA [Live Sand Activator Plus]
from IPSF for my 55 soon to be reef. It has been about 2 weeks since I added
the kit, and I must say there is a huge
diversity of life in my tank now."
Jim Miller, 9/26/99, Aqualink UBB
"I got crews from IPSF and GARF. I liked them both...
but my absolute FAVORITE snail is IPSF's
Trocus Grazer. They are sooooooo cool. Cleans
glass and gravel, live a long time, and they're gorgeous! Coralline covered
cone shaped shell, striped body with little antennae thingys sticking out
the side. If I ever have kids, I want them
to look just like Trocus Grazers." -dan
(chiton) Aqualink UBB, Member posted
09-21-99, 09:01 AM
I ordered the reef grazer Tuneup kit, the Live Sand Activator
kit plus WonderMud, and TWO ReefWorm Diversity packages from IPSF. Their stuff was great the last time I ordered. Gerald is the nicest person you could ever talk to. Most
helpful and extremely knowledgeable. Al Idone, the Bronx, NY, Prem. Aquatics UBB Member posted 09-19-99 01:44
Gerald, saw you on TV the other night (Discovery
Channel). You were at the MMDC [in Palau] raising giant clams. Very cool!"
Daniel Lee, Cambridge, MA, 9/16/99
wanted to let you know that I love the clam
and he is doing great. Very pretty clam.
Thank you," Jackie Henley, 9/13/99
got the package, Thanks. Everything is fine and alive. Last night I shined
a flashlight into the tank substrate, WOW!
The critters were everywhere, my corals and fish are in heaven, Thanks!!!" Peter Samek, New York, NY, 9/10/99
"Thanks for all the wonderful things you sent. You
are number one on my recommendation list." Robert Bliss,
Riverview, MI, 9/9/99
"Once again,
IPSF comes through... You are a master at
customer service. We
realy appreciate it." Bob Carlson, Blacksburg, VA
"I received the order this morning
and everything looks fabulous! I stopped
counting the MiniStars at 47 and the Trocus Grazers are all zooming around.
I really appreciate the good service you provided me. It backs up all of
the positive comments I'd read about your company on the various internet
forums. Keep up the great work and have a great day!!" Paul Merkling,
"This is my second order...
the first order was handled perfectly." John Link, New Hyde Park, NY, 8/27/99
I received my order of MiniStars and the Live Sand Activator Plus. After
I had ordered, I had second thoughts about it. I took one item off of the
order and ended up adding something on. Despite the confusion, you were very helpful and completely understanding. Everything
arrived in great shape. Thank you so much for your help, and
thanks again for the free Hermit Upgrade. Asher Simco, Baton Rouge, LA,
"Hi Gerald, I just heard
back from Bob Carlson and he was overwhelmed
by the shipment he received from you. So
it is time I take my own advice, please ship me one of this month's special
Tang Heaven sample packs." John Nichols jr., Lancaster SC, 8/12/99
"Hi Gerald,
Just wanted to let you know that the order arrived safely and I very much
appreciated all the extras... I would also like you to know that I have
ordered from [another MO] and [another MO] before and that I didn't have
any complaints about them. But they fall far short
when it comes to the quality and quantity that you offer."
Tim Driscoll, Calpine, CA, 8/5/99
really have a great site offering a wide
variety of items for us the reef hobbyists!"
Manuel Cossio, 7/30/99
"I recently saw your web
page and it looks fantastic!" Kemp
Brown, Seattle, WA, 7/30/99
the past 3 years I have been keeping a 75 gallon reef tank and I continually
compare the quality of this tank to the natural reef. The 2 things I notice
on the natural reef that are significantly different than the typical reef
tank is 1 - the sand beds in the natural reef are much cleaner and alive
than the reef tank, and 2 - the water on the natural reef is teeming with
live plankton while the reef tank water is usually heavily filtered and
void of live plankton. You and your company
have obviously seen these needs and are doing an excellent job of providing
important captive bred reef life to the hobbyist.
In the process, you are improving the quality
of reef tanks and hopefully making us better aquarists. Keep up the good
work." Rick Davis, Rockwall, TX, 7/21/99
you very much! Your livestock far exceeds anything
I've ever seen in quality and care." West Munz, San Clemente,
CA, 7/18/99
"Hi Gerald! I just received my Mix and Match
Special from you a few days ago. Everything came in great! The nerites,
strombus, MicroHermits, left handed hermits, and Trocus
Grazers work like crazy! they are MUCH MORE efficient then those astreas
i bought!" Julia David, Lexington
Park, MD, 7/17/99
"As to the Sea
Bunnies, they are cruising around the glass having a grand old
time and already left about 50 cm of egg strands.
They are nothing if not prolific! *L*" Mike Reszka, Holland,
NY, 7/15/9
"Gerald, I can't believe how much Tang Heaven one purple tang can
eat. Please send another order."
Marshall A. Gonzales, Houston, TX 7/15/99
"Dear IPSF, I would love to
order many items from your list of wonderful products. I almost
want to order everything on the page! The idea of having more little critters
in my tanks is wonderful and I would love to get those critters from you."
Steven Fong, Berkely, CA, 7/9/99
my order from IPSF went perfectly smooth. I got mine at 10 am (noon was
the promised time) and all the packaging was top-rated. My $99 maxima is
bagged within at least 6 thick plastic bags! Everything
else came in great condition (ministars, amphipods, sand activator plus,
worms...) I'd definitely order again if
I ever need anything that they sell."--Tri Tran, Hayward, CA, posted
07-02-99 01:45 PM, Aqualink UBB, http://www.aqualink-too.com/ubb/Forum4/HTML/014486.html
"Gerald, Thanks for the great
brittle stars, snails and worms... I
really appreciate your overdoing everything in the order. One too many snails,
2 or 3 too many worms and at least 10 extra Brittle Stars. It's
a terrific value for the price. Thanks again for the help and
your quality live stock. It's appreciated." Bill Rose, Parker, CO,
"Dear sir, A couple of
my friends in US recommend your web site... so I simply browse it during
my afternoon break. I am simply over-impressed
by the range of your products! Do you send
the live products to overseas - Australia? Or can you supply eggs or laves
of snails/shrimps? Simply give me some advice please." Many thanks!!
Michael Lee, NSW, Australia, 6/22/99
would like to thank you for the quick delivery of Mama Mia Worms and Sea
Bunnies. Your service and the quality of
your inventory is excellent. It is a pleasure to do business with you... Thanks again..."
asher lemel, Monsey, NY, 6/11/99
you!!! so very much. Everything made it alive and so active. More wonderful than I expected. I
am very impressed and looking forward to order #2!!!" Gloria Martinez,
Pasadena, CA, 6/10/99
Gerald, I just wanted to let you know that my order arrived today in great
shape. Everything is better than expected, and thank you very much for all the freebies! It truly
is a pleasure doing business with you and your company. Thanks again for
everything, and be expecting another order real soon." Bill Gipson,
Vicksburg, MI, 6/3/99
"Good day, Gerald and company, I received my package this
morning. It was great. I like the critters more than fish so this shipment
was really exciting for me. :-) Almost every
bag had more specimens than promised. 7
Nerites, 5 bristleworms, 27+ brittlestars, ... Thank you! Thank you! Thank
you! I can't wait for my next oppurtunity to do business with your company.
I've been more than happy with my two orders
to date." Tim Ayers, Norman, OK, 5/27/99
Thanks for the great critters. Everything came
in perfect condition and they are running around like crazy in my tank. You guys do good work. Believe me these guys have their
work cut out for them. My algae has bloomed and my new tank is doing what
new tanks do. In a month or so I'll be ordering some stars and worms. Thanks
again...Dave Morris, San Diego, CA, 5/26/99
"I've been thrilled doing business with you
and your company. I appreciate your quick
responses. You offer a very good variety of unique items. Plus I think it
is cool getting stuff from Hawaii.:-) Also I like knowing that almost everything
in my aquarium was "captivebred" thanks to IPSF (and to C-Quest
for my pair of Percula clowns). I didn't set out to have a no-impact reef
tank, but since the option was available I took it. Thanks for that."
Tim Ayers Norman, OK, 5/22/99
a bunch gerald. i can positively guarantee that the active sand bed and the animals at the bottom
of the chain (most all of which i got from you..:>..) are key to how
well my current system is working. thanks again for everything and you can
be sure when i'm ready for another bomber i'll be giving you a call."
Carl Hillsman, Shepherdstown, WV, 5/21/99
"I received some Trocus
Grazers with my last order and my only
regret is that I was not able to get more of them. They
are the best cleaners I have ever seen
and even cleaned the slime algae that was getting
a rapid start in my newest tank." Pat Callahan, Lake Havasu, AZ, 5/15/99
"Please send my order soon as I'm getting
way too ambitious and will forget that I can't buy up the store!" James
Yu, New York, NY, 5/14/99
"Another successful shipment... I
must have ordered at least one of everything on your site by now. The Soft Coral 12 -Pack
that I received is great. They are doing just fine and add a lot of life
and movement to the tank. I am running a wave maker and surge system and
they sway back and forth seeming to enjoy the movement. They are pulsing
and moving to the water just like they think they are on the reef. Thanks
for carrying so many great items." John Nichols, Lancaster, SC, 5/12/99
"...i love your page,
i think i have read every word in it and i
want to order virtually everything..." Sole
Marittimi, New York, NY, 5/7/99
"Every day I check to see what you have added
to your list! I cannot tell you how cool
I think you guys are! Chris Wolf, Chester,
IL, 5/6/99
"The UltraMax clam I received
from you is easily the most spectacular aspect
of my 400 gallon reef tank. There are a dozen
species of coral, other clams, multiple fish, and various invertebrates
added to this tank over 2 years but they now center around the new clam.
Van Vallina, Tyler, TX, 5/6/99
was very pleased
with the products that I received in my first order, and now I want more!
Please send me one REEF TANK TUNEUP KIT. P.S. Everything
arrived in great shape and are performing "as
advertised." I will definitely be a repeat
customer in the future. Jeremiah Donahou, Kissimmee,
FL, 4/27/99
"Gerald, Everything made it in great shape!
Thanks for the extra Tang Heaven! My Achilles tore it all up, looked like a starving [person]
slurping spaghetti! I have never seen the Achilles
so happy! I placed almost everything in my
refugium, and it looks great! I am in the process of having a new larger
refugium custom made. So you know what that means... more room for stuff
from IPSF!!!" Chris Wolf, Chester Il, 4/22/9
"I received the order right on time... I have
more plant life now than I know what to do with... it will be nice to have
some bright colors in the tank... The Live
Sand Activator was instantly full of life and
the snails made quickpace of the tank... I am really excited about doing
some aquascaping with the plants this evening." Justin Lawyer, Tulsa,
OK, 4/22/99
"Everything arrived alive and are doing
a great job on the aquarium," Derek Audett,
Great Falls, MT, 4/15/99
arrived in great shape...
as I am trying to establish a healthy colony of gammarus, I was gratified
to see the HUGE number of the amphipods in all the items I ordered (even
the Plankton shipment was teeming with them).
There were also plenty of Micro Hermits ... Keep up the good work."
John Adamek, Mundelein, IL, 4/8/99
i'm really getting into the IPSF products. I received an order from
you a while back, and i cannot believe all of the cool stuff that keeps
growing, breeding, and popping up. I have hundreds
of amphipods now, I have counted in the neighborhood of 30
brittle stars, many tiny baby snails are on the glass at night, its
really incredible!!! Now i have conjured up a list of stuff i want to order
in the near future... it totals 512$ !! There is simply
nothing on the list that I can live without! I am saving the money
right now, and the Trocus larvae tank is almost ready to rock and roll,
soon... very soon...Thanks Gerald." Chris Wolf, Chester, IL, 4/7/9
"I have ordered
from you before and because of your fantastic
products, I now have two very impressive reef tanks."
Pat Callhan, Lake Havasu, AZ, 4/5/99
other two orders I received are wonderful, my tank has not looked this good for 5 years. The Tuneup
kit is outstanding...
My purple tang is enormous after eating the
Tang Heaven, great color and a fat belly. You
really are the best!!!!" Curt Smith, Bellevue NE, 3/30/99
"Thanks, IPSF is wonderful!"
Les Novell, Seattle, WA, 3/28/99
"Hi, I ordered from you once before and I was very
happy with what I got, the Coralline Booster
fragments are really doing the trick and the
MiniStars...what can I say, I want more of
them." Bonnie Porter, Boston, MA 3/22/99
"My tang and all of the other fish love Tang Heaven!!" Thanks, Julie Lynch, Acworth, GA, 3/13/99
"The green Maxbomber is really
cool looking... This is the BEST clam that
I've ever seen.......Online, at my any of my
LFSs, anywhere. Thanks again for the Tang Heaven!!!!! My tang is a PIG, I swear he's grown half an inch since
I got him the Tang heaven... As for those Strombus.....AHHHHHHHH. Some of
the babies have made it to semi-adulthood... There are about 30 unhatched
eggs and about ten rather large babies." Dane Scantling, Hartford,
CT, 3/12/99
"Hi Gerry,
I just wanted to tell you that the clam you
sent me was beautiful and much more than I
expected. Thank you for taking your time and great care in packing and shipping
all of the quality animals and products I've received from you... I can
tell you that I will continue business with you and tell any other reefkeepers
about your quality merchandise and great prices." Jamie Kennie, Malden, MA, 3/7/99.
"I really love the Tuneup kit. The
MicroHermits crack me up. The Nerites are cool looking, and the Trocus are
beautiful..." Ryan Evey, Moscow, ID, 3/6/99
"Hi Gerald, Sounds like "business is good!"
Not surprising since your act is definitely top shelf! Your
attention to detail in packing technique is superb!!"
John Blackwell, Kensington, MD, 3/3/99
received my first order today. Everything is
alive, healthy, and beautiful. Thank You so
very much for the great service. Rick Roe, 3/3/99
"Hi Gerald, Just received my order. Everything arrived
in excellent condition (Hawaii to Michigan with no problems). Your packaging
was very impressive. (Triple Bagged, Heavy Duty Outer Bag, Heat Packs, and
Styrofoam Box.) You run a first class operation. Thank you for the additional
items 8-)), nice surprise and made my day. The Sea Bunnies and Breeders
took right to grazing and I'm looking forward to the babies. I added the
Brittle Stars and WonderMud to my main tank, the stars started going all
over the place. The added diversity is just what my tank needed. Thanks
again." Ralph Helms, Rockford, MI, 2/25/9"I got the T. maxima Bomber you sent
today and it is one of the most beautiful maximas
I have seen. It is in great health and I was
amazed at the superb packing. Thanks again," Albert Quillin, Taneytown,
MD 2/24/99
"My Purple Tang
was very lightly colored when I bought it, but the Tang
heaven helped immensely!" Dane Scantling,
Hartford, CT 2/22/99
received my order this morning and I am very
pleased with your products. I frequently mail
order livestock and it is normal to receive the shipment with half the bag
water leaked out within the box. I was truly
impressed with your packing methods, there wasn't a drop inside the packing
box. I really like the Feathery Caulerpa, will
Tangs and similar herbivores graze on it? Is it possible to get just an
order of Caulerpa, and in much bigger clumps? Thanks again, Darrell Daniels
Fair Oaks, CA, 2/19/99
Gerald. This is Stephen Soon. The green Maxbomber
is doing great! Can't wait for you to put out
more extra awesome ones w/pics in the website! Stephen Soon, See Stephen's UltraMax
Bomber. 2/18/99
I received my order today at 10 am. Everything's in my tank and looking
good. Yahoo!!! Everything is terrific. Thanks so much! When everything settles down I'll write
back about some mushrooms and polyps. :-) Once again, thanks a million.
Everything looks terrific. The colors on the live rock are beautiful. The Caulerpa is fantastic. It looks like little bottle
brushes. It's the neatest variety of Caulerpa I've seen.
(I'm comparing to C. taxifolia, peltata, freycetti and racemosa.) Hope you
have a very nice day, :-) Tim "happy as a clam" Ayers, Norman,
OK, 2/18/99
"I just wanted
to compliment your well trained and courteous
staff. I placed an order for the MiniStars
last Wednesday and it arrived live and well on my doorsteps on Thursday.
I get items from your company faster than ordering
from my LFS! Thanks again! Brian Koyama, Pomona,CA,
"Thanks for being so quick with replies! Mike
Deleo, 2/17/99
Gerald: I received the Blue UltraMax Bomber and the Rare green Tridacna
maxima UltraMax Bomber this morning, they make
me feel extremely flattered, incredible, and unbelievable!! Your prices
are very reasonable. Thanks again!! Your service is great! Eric Feng, Brooklyn,
NY, 2/12/99
"Gerald, I received the Blue UltraMax Bomber
- it looks even better in person than it did on the web page. AWESOME."
James Lewis, Houston TX, 2/10/99
"Hello Gerald. I received
the 9 for $99.95 yesterday (2/9) and everything arrived in amazing shape.
Not a single casualty. All the critters are
now happy in their new home and are going to work. Thanks
for such a great product." Geoffrey Louis,
La Jolla, CA 2/10/99
Gerald. I was *very* pleased with my Mix &
Match order last week and decided to put in
another one for a different tank. Mark Lanett, San Francisco, CA, 2/9/99
"Dear Mr. Heslinga, Our order arrived in perfect condition Friday
afternoon. The Trocus Grazers went into action immediately, and they have already had
a major impact on the red/green hair algae in the tank. And what about the
you ask? Our two Yellow Tangs went absolutely
NUTS! They way they devoured the Red Tang
Heaven you would have thought they hadn't eaten for weeks. Tell your customers
again and again.....THROW YOUR LETTUCE OUT!
you again for such great service and wonderful merchandise. I can't wait
'till our next order! Sincerely, Jason Larson, Muskingum College New Concord,
OH, 1/24/99
"Hello again
Gerald! Many thanks for the great advice. You really live up to all the fine things everyone says
about you and your business. John Blackwell, Kensington, MD, 2/9/99
"Yes the clams and the Bunnies came in, 9:00 AM my
time, the Green Maxima Bomber was great -
I will put it on a pedestal in my tank. The
Squamosa was very pretty as well." James
Lewis, Houston, TX, 2/4/99
Gerald, Our tangs are just loving the red Tang
Heaven ... Thank you so much for great products
and support." Jon Garner, 2/4/99
a quick note to inform you that I received my order on time on Fri. 1/28/99,
in great shape.
Your packing techniques are to be commended, everything
is alive and well, and thank you for the extra Sea Bunny! Once
again, thank you for your fine service and you can be sure I will be ordering
from your fine company again." Mark Wojcik, Howell, NJ, 2/4/99
"The T. squamosa clam
is beautiful, and so is the Caulerpa fragment!
Thanks, Daniel Schott, Ithaca, NY, 1/31/99
Gerald, That bomber Maxima is a MONSTER! I
love it! At first he was a little shy, especially
with my clownfish always swimming around, but he's since opened up and is
soaking up the rays. The color is beautiful! Everything arrived in Tip-Top shape. The Bunnies are "doing their
thing," the Tang Heaven
looks good enough for ME to eat, the Wondermud had some really neat creatures
in it, the Squamosa
is in a bad mood cuz its jealous of the monster Maxima, and I was surprised
by how pretty the bonus Zoanthids are. I didn't realize they had such color and patterns.
Thanks a lot!" Dan Lee, Boston, MA, 1/29/99
"Thank you for the info. Every time I e-mail
you, you seem to pleasantly surprise me more with your
quick response and your right-on answers."
Tom Breitweiser, 1/29/99
"I LOVE your Trocus snails. They are by far the
best looking snail I have encountered and I
have bought snails from many places. They also do a wonderful job at cleaning
my tank...." Nicole Gallagher, Eudora, KS, 1/26/99
"Got the order today. My GOD! I cannot believe
how much there is in your Hawaiian Macro 6-Pack! Not just a few strands, but HANDFULLS
of product. You
guys get all A+++ on this order! Thanks!"
Mark Chanley, Colorado Springs, CO, 1/22/99
"Hi Gerald! My first
order was awesome. Your Live "Base"
Rock is better than any top rock I can get around here and the Trocus Grazers
are really going house on my algae." Dan Lee, Shrewsbury, MA, 1/22/99
"I just spent several hours on your wonderful website
and no surprise you won the award, it is the
best website on reefkeeping I have seen."
Mike Lee, Kapolei, HI, 1/22/99
I've already placed an order for another 15 lbs of ipsf Live Base Rock -
that's how pleased I am with the quality of
the rock! Kudos to you and your crew for your
attempts to create authentic-looking reef rock, without contributing to
the destruction of live reefs. Keep up the
good work!" Todd Adornato, Tulsa, OK,
"I was also
pleased with the WonderMud.
The number of brittle white starfish was great! The MicroHermits and gastropods immediately bustled around
the tank, exploring their new home." Todd Adornato, Tulsa, OK, 1/21/99
"The shipment arrived today... I must commend your
packing. The animals were warm and in very good shape. As usual, the "Wonder Mud" was loaded with life. Many thanks." Ron Shimek, Wilsall, MT, 1/21/99
"I saw the Discovery special with Gerald Heslinga.
Very informative and inspiring. I feel that purchases made through IPSF
will benefit both education and preservation of the environment. I commend
you." Brian Jeung, San Jose, CA 1/19/99
"This is my 2nd order, great
job, great products." Jim McCall, E. Weymouth,
MA, 1/16/99
Gerald. YOU ARE AWESOME!!!" Rob Grier, Cleveland, OH,
"The order
arrived in great shape...as always...thanks
for everything. It's always fun to do business with you guys...great products
and great service! Later! Eric Tuscano, San Diego, CA, 1/15/99
et al, I received an order from you earlier in the week. What
great stuff! Your WonderMud is truly wonderous!
I couldn't believe the huge number of small white
brittle stars in the small amount I ordered! This is the stuff I
was looking for 3 years ago when I started my reef, I'm glad I finally found
it! Thanks also for the the free Sea Bunny, I have
several egg strands already!" John Noble, Broomfield, CO, 1/15/99
"Thanks for getting back to me - you can quote
Seinfeld all you like, as long as you don't give me the old "You ask too many questions - No Sea Bunnies for you!
NEXT!" Shaun Morris, San Jose, CA, 1/14/99
"I have visited your web site several times and I see why you have been given award...
it is great. Thanks again for your help," Adam Mesarosh, Reading, MI,
"You guys have a great
rep on the newsgroups." Justin Casp, Ocala,
FL, 1/14/99
"Please ship
me an order of Tang Heaven. It's the only food
my tang will eat!!!" Joe Baczkowski, Bend
OR, 1/13/99
"Mr. Heslinga,
my first order turned out wonderful. I used it to start my 75 and 58 gallon reef systems, I'm
now ready to start my 200 and my 55 gallon refugium..." Terry Turner,
Tulsa, OK, 1/12/99
"I have
only read and heard excellent things about
your company and have decided to place one
of what I hope is the first of many orders." Jason Larson, New Concord,
OH, 1/12/99
"Hello! I received
my order of Tang Heaven
a few days ago and all the fish in my tank
love it! I had purchased a Naso
Tang over a week ago and I could not get him
to eat anything. It immediately began eating the Tang
Heaven and his color looks great. My yellow tang and coral beauty as well as my
flame angel have
also enjoyed it. I'm now ready to place another
order." Heather Mann, Irmo, SC, 1/9/99
"Your prices and quick response still
makes you the top of my mail order list. Thanks again." Joe Baczkowski, Bend, OR, 1/8/99
"Gerald, Order arrived
fine... amazing they made it in 6 degree weather!
Thanks! Kathy Fielden, Cottage Grove, MN, 1/7/99
"Everything arrived doing well and my
Powder Brown Tang loves the Tang Heaven, He won't eat his regular food!
Thanks again," Don & Kathy Christman , Portland, OR, 1/6/99
"... I found your site interesting
and a lot more informative than any of the
other reef/aquarium suppliers doing business on the internet. Thank you."
Steven J. Dolmseth, Arcadia, CA, 1/6/99
"I saw you on the Discovery
Channel a few days ago." Gani Agabin,
Bloomington, IN, 1/3/99
wanted to let you know that overnight the Bunnies
laid two more strings of eggs. THEY ARE GREAT!!!!!!"
Don Powell, Mobile, AL, 12/31/98
Tangs are truly in "Heaven" and the Sea
Bunnies are great... one
of the Bunnies laid
eggs while in
route so I will have my plankton very soon. Thank you very much for everything."
Don Powell, Mobile, AL, 12/30/98
I think your website is terrific!! This will be my very first order from you, but from what
I've read on your webpage I already can't wait to receive the products!!"
Patti Obana, Concord, CA , 12/28/98
got my order of Kona top rock... my tank looks
great. Thanks again." Peter Occhipinti,
Lexington, SC, 12/24/98
I got the Reef Tank Tuneup
shipment about noon on Friday. I put them all in, per the instructions.
My tank had brown/green algae all over it.
Less than three days later, it's crystal clear. Thanks!" Mark Chanley, Colorado Springs, CO, 12/21/98
"Hey Gerald, Thanks for the
most awesome order I have ever received!!!
I was not expecting nearly as much diversity or as many extras as you sent me! Everything arrived alive
and well. Thanks for the free Sea Bunny, and
N-Reducer, I was definitely not expecting anything for free! I really like
the Blue Eyed hermits - they are really somthing
neat to to look
at. I did not know what to expect with the
Sea Bunnies... they have settled in nicely and in fact they started grazing
the rock as soon as they landed. I will definitely be ordering from you
again!!! Thanks again for the coolest stuff
I have ever seen!" Chris Wolf, Chester,
IL, 12/18/98
I got my order and everything is alive and well. I
just would like to thank you for your great
customer service and high
quality products. Seth Huffman, Redondo Beach,
CA, 12/18/98
"I recently
ordered your Live Sand Activator, the snails and crabs are doing great and the WonderMud was
..well... wonderful!" Jeff Guay, 12/17/98
"Our sea bunnies have laid eggs. YEA!!!" Ron and Cheryl Price, Sherman
TX, 12/17/98
"Hi Gerald,
the Trochus Grazers arrived fine....alive and immediately active. The new Gold Tang Heaven was fine and the Tangs love it. The three Sea Bunnies you
sent were also fine and very active in their
separate tank with the Tang Heavens. Thanks a lot, Michelle Collins, OH,
"Aloha! I received
my order today and was very impressed with
the quality of the Live Sand Activator. I will
be ordering from you again soon. Again Thanks! Kathy Christman, Portland,
OR, 12/15/98
"Thank you
for all your help. It is so good to know that there
are businesses true to their word."
Michelle Collins, OH, 12/10/98
"Great site! It is nice
to see all the information located with photos. This is the way it should
be done." Blake Dunn
website is great, and you've got many cool items!" Eric Tuscano
"All I can say is WOW... I have never seen a company that is so prompt and helpful.
The T. maxima is gorgeous! I will definitely be doing more business with
you." Michael J. Williams
Gerald Heslinga: how are you doing? i have received my 6
pack Soft Coral, actually 7!! they are in perfect condition!! thanks
a lot!! for now, i need to order the Reef Tank
Tune-up." Eric Feng Yi, Brooklyn, NY,
"howdy gerald,,,
i am happy to report that i now have 3 of the fattest
happiest tangs i
have ever seen thanks to your Tang Heaven product
which i now need more of,,, thanks in advance," jeff beckman, fountain
valley, CA, 12/8/98
send me the $99.95 Mix 'n Match Special. My
first order, received last week, was great!"
Curtis Smith, Bellevue, NE, 12/5/98
"Unbelievable - I had hair algae, red algae, brown algae and green algae
covering everything. I had 36 scarlet reef hermits and several Turbo snails
but they could not keep up. I could clean the tank and the 65 lbs. of live
rock and within two days it would be covered again. Your
Reef Tank Tune-up kit arrived Wednesday and by Saturday the algae was gone
and it hasn't come back. Plus it is great fun
to watch the snails and crabs at work. Thanks," Glenn Daniel, TX, 12/2/98
"I feel that your responses to my questions show not
only "knowledge based facts," but also a genuinely "calm
and gracious spirit," which I both admire
and respect." Gene Murphy, Cambridge, MD, 12/1/98
"Hello Gerald and Crew, My
rock order arrived today (Tuesday) in good
shape. No damage at all - not even the large flat pieces - great packing job! The pieces
are shaped as I hoped. Congratulations on the Web-Page award! and thanks
for the prompt delivery of quality product. Mahalo, PS. enjoyed reading the local paper used for packing!"
Steven Forney, Lakewood, CO, 12/1/98
yellow tang won't eat anything but Tang Heaven. I have never owned
a tang this healthy looking before (plump,
good color). Thanks! Eric Tuscano, San Diego, CA 11/30/98
"Thanks again to you and Dick Perrin for your fast service and quality products.
Ordering on Sunday night and receiving Tuesday morning is extremely nice.
Till later," David Rogers, Louisville, KY, 11/26/98
"Here's a quick story about something that went really
well -- the first time (gasp!). One of the
live rocks (with yellow polyps) was absolutely overgrown with hair algae
(almost couldn't see the polyps under all of it!) so I was a bit worried
about introducing it into my tank. After all, I haven't had any hair algae
at all so far, and wasn't anxious to start. The first night, all my hermits
were too busy working on the new LR to get to the polyp rock, but the second night, I saw this swarm of MicroHermits (from
IPSF) descend on the polyp rock and go to work. By morning, not a strand
of algea was left, and the polyps were untouched. Hat's off! Dave Lambert 11/24/98
you for your quick response... you definitely have me for a long-term customer. I love your web site, your products, and your customer
support! In this day and age, it is nice to
find someone that cares about what they do! Thanks!" Lynn Zimmer, Cincinatti,
OH, 11/23/98
"I was very
impressed with the Coralline Algae Booster Frags.
This was such a great looking pack compared to others I have seen (in both quantity and quality!)
Sure hope it 'takes' in at least one of my tanks (I'm up to three now: 125,
100, and 40 gal). Thanks for the service. I look forward to doing business with you again soon,
and the word of mouth from me will all be positive." Mark Bushaw, El
Segundo, CA, 11/22/98
Gerald, Please send me the Soft Coral 12-Pack Plus. My last order with the Reef Tank Tuneup has truly done wonders on all of the old rock that had turf algae growing on
it. The tank looks great
with coralline of several colors starting to grow on many of the base rocks... The Trocus are marvelous glass cleaners.
When I ordered them I had a green algae bloom that wanted to cover the glass.
I cleaned all but the back to see how they worked. Believe
me they worked." Till later, David C.
Rogers, Louisville, KY, 11/22/98
Gerald, How are you? Just wanted to let you know that the
shipment I received was great- the base living rock is beautiful, it makes the stuff I got here in Cincinnati look downright
ugly!" Lynn Zimmer, OH, 11/21/98
you for the incredible service! The
order came right
on time and everything
was in perfect
condition. Every one of the critters went into
action as soon as they were put into the tank. Thanks for the extras too,
I really appreciate that. I'm looking forward to ordering from you again.
Thanks again for the outstanding service and for all your help!! I really appreciate it." Ryan Feyereisen, Westchester,
IL, 11/20/98
"Hi Gerald,
Thanks for all the help. I'm very pleased so
far, and I haven't even received my order yet!"
Tom Fox, Scotts Valley, CA 11/19/98
base rock and live sand is awesome, and the hermits and small snails are too... I think that
you have the most respectable business of this
kind that I know of and your knowledge on the subject is superb. Thanks again," Tom Breitweiser, 11/12/98
"Wow! My first order and you
have won me over... I have ordered from other
shops but I have never had that kind of fantastic
customer service. The packaging
is incredible. I think that box could have
withstood anything and still arrived intact - you can bet I will recommend
you to others. The Tang Heaven is stunning
and my tangs love it - you can bet that I will
be ordering again soon! Thanks again," Larry Rowland, Baltimore, MD,
"Hi Gerald.
Thanks so much for your superior service. I deal with businesses every day in connection with the
corporation that I own. It is a rarity and, indeed, a pleasure to deal with
a professional in his field - and that certainly describes you. I hope that
all of your customers are aware that you are
the exception, not the rule." Sue Spalsbury,
Westlake, OH, 11/11/98
gerald, got my snails and crabs today when i got home from work. put all
in tank half hour ago, seem to be doing well. snails
took off like they were right at home. thank
you very much for the fast and friendly service you provided, i think i will be calling you soon for a
coral pack." Keith Monahan, 11/11/98
"You are by far my
favorite mail order place. I just wish you
sold shrimp and stars and fish too!!! There are many
people that want your Sea Bunnies now. So,
I hope they have been prolific this month!!!! I
just love you guys! Nicole Gallagher, Eudora,
KS, 11/10/98
"I received
my order in wonderful condition! Mahalo." Keith Whiteman, 11/9/98
"Received my order from you yesterday. Immediately
added both the Reef Tank Tuneup and the Live Sand Activator
Plus to my reef tank and was
delighted to see the tank come to life! I must
admit that, having never ordered over the internet before, I was skeptical
about having an order meet my expectations. It
was a pleasant surprise to find this order not only meeting, but exceeding,
those expectations. The directions were most
helpful. As you know, this is my first reef tank and it is a bit scary to
enter into the unknown world of a living sea environment in my family room.
I followed the directions step by step and found that my fears were for
nothing. Thank you, Gerald. Sue Spalsbury, Westlake, OH, 11/7/98
"My order arrived today, and I'm
very pleased with everything. The 3 Tang Heavens I ordered turned out to be 3 of each
type of plant for a total of 6 Tang Heaven plants what
a great deal. Thank
You for your time and your call." Mike Ruggieri, Bend, OR, 11/6/98
"Hi! Boy, do you have a cool web site! There is so much I want to get- but I will start off slow...
Thank you so much, I can hardly wait!" Lynn Zimmer, Cincinnati, Ohio 11/5/98
"Gerald, Hi! I just wanted to say thanks ever so much for the top rock that you
sent me!! You are a very stand up gentleman and you run a very respectable
business. I will not hesitate to order from you again and will recommend
you to everyone I know who is involved in the hobby. Thanks again for all
of your attention and beautiful top rock, outstanding
coralline algae growth! All
the pieces arrived intact and very well packed.
Thanks again!! Sincerely, Ken Nixon, Sarasota, FL, 11/5/98
"Thank you very much for your advice. I can't believe how fast
you responded. That
shows me that you really care and enjoy what you are doing." Tom Breitweiser,
Madison, WI, 11/1/98
am very, very impressed. Thank you for living
up to my expectations." Mark Bouchet, Freedom, PA, 10/30/98
"I am definitely wanting more
Sea Bunnies... Thanks, I am very
impressed with your customer service and products.
I've been giving everyone your web page address and compliments." Nicole
Gallagher, Eudora, KS, 10/31/98
I have ordered just about everything on your web page! I should just open up a personal account
with you!" Michael P. Scott, St. Louis MO, 10/27/98
"Package arrived yesterday in
great shape. I really appreciate your fast service and look forward
to doing business with you in the future." David Rogers, Louisville,
KY, 10/23/98
so much! The Trocus are already going to town on the algae. I left a few days' growth on the glass to
"test" them, and they've already made a good dent. I also have
seen a *lot* of new critters
at night... I don't know if they came in the Live Sand Activator or WonderMud
or hitchhiked on the Tang Heaven, but in any case, that's just
what I wanted to see! The green
Tang Heaven is already a hit, and I'm trying
a bit of the red stuff today. I hope to be able to cultivate a nice growth
of caulerpa from
your rocks. I've heard excellent things about your customer service, and it's clear that they are well-founded. Thanks again!
David Lambert, OH, 10/22/98
i'm sure this is not going to come as a surprise to you, but i just got
back from vacation and discovered my sea bunny
tank loaded with egg strands! my corals are going to be feeding like kings. can i get 2 more pairs of bunnies this week? please!!!
and what's the update on the plankton bombs?....don't keep us waiting! i'll
also need some of the green tang heaven since the bunnies have eaten most of it. thanks for a great product...
" Doug Thompson 10/21/98
my order Friday, placed the 'Sea Bunnies' in the sump, and to my surprise I saw egg strands
on Saturday!" Steve Kaplan, NJ, 10/19/98
"This is James. I would like very much to place that
order! I have been glued to your web
site for weeks! Looking for the slightest changes!
I'm ready and can't wait any longer." James Yu, NY, 10/14/98
"Success... I would just
like to say that the Tune Up kit I received
has done wonders! I have a 30g tank, the back,
and sides of the tank had brown algae on them. The front was starting to
get it again too. I always hated to scrape the tank, but in 4-5 days time
the snails and hermits have mutilated the brown algae! I
just love the clear glass! Thank you."
Justin Warner, OH, 10/4/98
ordered a 12 pack plus
about a week ago and I just wanted to tell you it is awesome.
I wasn't expecting the "plus" to be two more corals so I was pleasantly
surprised by my "14 pack." Everything
came in excellent condition and now that all
the corals have really opened up, my tank looks
so impressive. The Xenia has already begun
to spread its base past the rock it came on and onto the rock I glued it
to. My only problem now is that it makes my other tank look bad. Feel free
to take a look at some pictures on my site. Authentic
12-Pack Photos (direct link) . Richard Baker,
Computer EngineeringUniversity of Florida,http://start.at/reefFL, 10/3/98
12-Pack Photos!
"I work in
an aquarium store and even with our discounts I
still cannot get a better price than you offer."
Tony Gill, 10/2/98
"I am
very impressed
with my order. The snails and hermits are already
busy at work. I can assure you that in the future I will be ordering from
you again." Thank You :) John E Potteiger, CA, 10/2/98
"I've tried [competitor's product] and Fiji Live
Sand...it doesn't even compare to your Live Sand Activator. The amount of life was really amazing
in the Live Sand package and greatly increased
the bio-diversity of the tank. I wasn't expecting
to get so many little snails and hermits with it...The Wonder
Mud had visible small white brittle stars and worms that I could see.
The Amphipods are now everywhere I look in my tank... The Trocus
Grazers look like snails on steroids...really.
I am completely satisfied with your products and will definitely order again!"
Phillip Quindara, NY, 10/1/98
"I am ordering one 'Grand Slam Special' and one
'Coralline Algae Booster Kit.' I noticed the specials on the web and immediately
had to have them- what a great deal!!!" Michael Scott, MO, 9/29/98
"Great doing business with professionals
who care about their products." Lydia
Yee, CA, 9/23/98
arrived today in great shape. Packed very well.
Thanks for the extras and excellent
service. Will order from you again and tell
others. Thank you." Greg Butler, TX, 9/18/98
"Received my delivery this morning.
Everything looks great...100% survival!" Thom Dieterich, WA, 9/10/98
"Gerald- It came today. Great
stuff! Absolutely nothing dead! They started
eating right away, as if they had always lived there. I think I may have
even seen a Trocus eating hair algae... I'm
very impressed." Eric Muehlbauer, CO,
"I got my
order today and wanted to say a big THANKS! The T. Maxima is beautiful and
is the perfect
size... Everything was in great shape and there was a lot more than I expected!! Andy Ternay,
CO, 9/17/98
"I will say that you have my attention. Your
web page is wonderful." Seth Martin,
"These guys
are great workers!!
It was a great deal and I am very satisfied! Kathy Fielden, MN, 9/12/98
"I really appreciate your service,
it is nice to be able to mail order with confidence." Tim Verry, OH, 9/12/98
"Great respect for IPSF grows daily.
I will tell my reef friends on the internet about your wonderful
service. R. L. Smith, FL. 9/11/98
"Order was received before 10 AM this morning. Great Service." R.L.
Smith, FL, 9/10/98
livestock for my 10 Gallons of Fun Aquarium arrived today and I was bowled over! I hadn't
expected the amount of livestock that would be included." Steven Yong,
CA 9/9/98
received my order last night and I am very happy with it. Everything made
it okay and was in excellent condition." Art Manansala, CA, 9/4/98
received my Reef Tuneup order exactly on time as you said with everything
in excellent shape. This was my first time
ordering on the net. I look forward to ordering from IPSF in the future.
Thanks!" Jon Dufour, OR, 9/3/98
so much.... you are truly a gem in
the mail order world - you are prompt, kind,
courteous and very, very helpful. Many, many thanks." Janet Hall, OK,
"OK, what's the
big idea giving me more than I paid for?!?!? If you keep doing that, you're going to make the rest
of the industry look bad!" Doug Thompson, PA, 9/1/98
"I really appreciate
what you're doing for both the hobby and the
environment." Alex Huk, CA, 9/1/98
as usual, was in excellent shape. I am very impressed with the
rocks you sent me. Excellent
coralline algae growth. Everything
I have ordered from you has been excellent.
The service, the product, and the shipment. I will continue to order from
you and will recommend to anyone in need of your items." Alan Underkofler,
CA, 8/29/98
of the livestock for my Ten Gallons of Fun Aquarium arrived this morning,
and I just got done setting it up and building caves with the rock! Everybody
seems to love their new homes... I love the tank! Everything
you sent me is in perfect condition, the animals are healthy...everything
is just plain beautiful! This was such a great birthday
present from Drew...my best ever! Once again, thank you so much for providing
us with healthy, happy, captive bred livestock. I think your work is wonderful....now
we can all enjoy these animals without having to take them from nature!
Stacy Gerber, PA, 8/26/98
order arrived in great shape and we are enjoying a tank full of new life, including some
'extras.'" Leif Torp, PA, 8/25/98
"Those Trocus
snails have kept my glass sparkling clean. I am soooooooooo excited." Janet Hall, OK 8/22/98
"I believe Trocus Grazers
are much better than Astreas as they are able
to upright themselves when they fall over. I have lost too many Astreas
as they fall off the back glass behind the rockwork and I am unable to get
to them." Kevin Miske, IL, 8/22/98
"The sand activator had an incredible amount of crabs.
They are the stars of the tank!" Eric Tuscano, CA 7/30/98
"I'm very impressed with
the live rock... pleased to announce that everything
is in good shape... very pleased with my order - thank you so much!" Don Barret, Washington,
D.C., 8/21/98
my order on time and everything looks great. I was really impressed with contents and packing - everything arrived alive and
in great shape - thank you! Especially impressed
with sample live rock - PERFECT! I will be ordering
more. Overall - great stuff - appreciate you being in business with these
products!" Gary Johnson, Detroit MI 8/21/98
"I received my order yesterday. Everything arrived
in great shape.
Now I am interested in ordering again." Alan Underkofler, CA 8/19/98
"I have to admit I did have a
little skepticism about ordering living creatures through the mail, you
have me sold, I only wish you sold fish too!!!!!!! Thanks for the great service and you will
hear from me again, that's a promise." Janet Hall, OK 8/14/98
"Well I was absolutely
pleased with my first order (sand, tang heaven,
snails, hermits, limu plates). I would like to place another order at this
time since I had to split the previous order with a friend (just didn't
get enough of those trocus)." Kevin Miske, IL 8/10/98
"These snails are absolutely
incredible! Not only are they decorative, but
my live rocks are sparkling clean! Two thumbs up for products, service and
quality." Eddie Huey, NY 8/7/98
received my order today. I must say that I'm
impressed with the packaging. It was triple
bagged then closed with elastics and metal clips. I was skeptical about
mail order livestock but after seeing how well you package this stuff you'll
be hearing from me again. I got over 75 living creatures without one mortality.
With a day and a half trip from Hawaii to New England I
think that is remarkable!" Bob Brackett,
MA 8/5/98
"My FIRST time
ever ordering mail order off the net!! You guys look too good to be true
- thanks!" Gary Johnson, MI 8/13/98
for the shipment. Everything arrived
great and once again, you've
exceeded my expectations with your items. I
will be sure tell my friends of your business and excellent customer service."
Askia Rousseve, CA 7/30/98
for the help. By the way, those Trocus are
everything you claim and more. They are doing
a fabulous job
and lead me to believe that I should have more of them." Michael Reszka,
N.Y. 7/28/98
"Received order Friday...everything in great shape.
The clams are beautiful, Trocus grazers and hermits all arrived in great
shape, and are doing fine in my tank. Feathery Caulerpa rock looks GREAT.
This has been a truly enjoyable online experience,
I'm sure with the customer service you provide and the quality of product
you deliver your business will only continue to grow. Feel free to give
my e-mail address to anyone who has any questions about your products or
service." Greg McPherson, Chantilly, VA 7/25/98ry;-)
"I just
wanted to let you know that the Trocus snails
have been exceptional at cleaning the tank
glass and rocks. So far I haven't seen ANY undesirable algae at all. No
cyanobacter, hair, or anything else! Interestingly, the whole 'Diatom Bloom'
thing never took place either. R/O water, introduced Nitrosomas/Nitobacters,
and lots of snails and hermits seem to have taken care of things from the
start. I see
that your site is expanding. Looks like things are going along well for
you all! Ralph Schweigert, CA 7/25/98 !
"Just called to tell you that the order came in today...
everything's great, just great!" Jon Simmons, MA 8/7/98
"The rock is awesome!
The rock shapes make it easy to build up a cool reef. There are many caves
and crevices for fish and inverts to hide. The top rock really adds a lot
of color to the tank and is a great finishing touch." Eric Tuscano,
CA 7/31/98
very much. I received the order and everything
is fine." Bailey Struss, FL 7/30/98
"Package received. Everything
looks great. It all goes into my sustenance
propagation environment tonight." Duncan Newton, NY 7/30/98
"Those little critters are really going to town in
there and the rockwork has never looked this
nice. The Caulerpa is really an elegant green."
Michael Reszka, NY 7/24/98
can't even begin to thank you for sending the
Clam Manual, articles and stamps!" Stacy Gerber, PA 7/24/98
"Everything arrived in great shape... I'm happy as can be
with your livestock. Thanks for the great products!" Michael Reszka,
NY 7/22/98
"I am totally
pleased with this order today. You have been
fantastic to deal with! Thank you." Anita Lucas, MI 7/22/98
"Hi Gerald, I'm glad to see your business seems to
be doing so well. I guess with all your great
products it was bound to happen." Kelvin
Yen, Berkeley, CA 7/22/98
took less than 24 hours - all specimens are alive and active. I'll be placing
another order soon. Very pleased!" Alex Miroshnichenko, CA 7/15/98
"Just unpacked everything...it looks great! Very carefully
packaged, with instructions and generous portions too. Thanks again for
the great livestock and service." Kevin Tompkins 7/16/98
the pioneering work you've done in the aquatic field and with Tridacnas,
my reef tanks would not be possible. Thank
you again for such a pleasant, informational and unsurpassed experience." Drew Miller, Eastern Pennsylvania Reef Club